


Residential Wi-Fi Infrastructure

実用的なメリット 住宅用Wi-Fiインフラ市場の現在のダイナミクスと将来のトレンドを把握。 住宅用ゲートウェイ、無線ルータ、メッシュ、エクステンダ/リピータなど、住宅用Wi-Fiインフラスト... もっと見る



出版社 出版年月 電子版価格 納期 言語
ABI Research
2024年9月17日 US$4,500
2営業日程度 英語




  • 住宅用Wi-Fiインフラ市場の現在のダイナミクスと将来のトレンドを把握。
  • 住宅用ゲートウェイ、無線ルータ、メッシュ、エクステンダ/リピータなど、住宅用Wi-Fiインフラストラクチャのタイプ別に2030年までの市場予測データを参照し、生産スケジュールを作成する。
  • 地域別予測を活用し、グローバル戦略の立案や新市場への進出を図る。
  • 主要なWi-Fiプロトコルの普及率と段階的廃止の速度に関する見通しを得て、それに応じてロードマップを調整する。
  • Wi-Fi市場の潜在的な収益について、過去の収益データと予測データを用いて理解する。
  • 6GHz対応の住宅用Wi-Fiインフラに対する需要を予測し、6ギガヘルツ(GHz)戦略を構築する。
  • 住宅用Wi-Fiインフラがサポートする必要のある802.11無線機数の推移を把握し、製品設計にこの傾向を反映させる。
  • Wi-Fi 7が可能にする最大320メガヘルツ(MHz)のチャネル帯域幅を、市場のどの程度がサポートし続けるかを特定する。
  • 家庭用Wi-Fiインフラ市場は現在どの程度の規模であり、今後6年間の出荷台数と総売上はどのように推移するのか。
  • 住宅用Wi-Fiインフラ機器の出荷台数の地域別構成比は現在と今後どうなるのか?
  • Wi-Fi 5、Wi-Fi 6、Wi-Fi 6E、Wi-Fi 7、Wi-Fi 8など、Wi-Fiプロトコルの主要サイクルは2030年までどのように推移するか?
  • COVID-19のパンデミック、サプライチェーンの混乱、消費者心理の変化といった国際的なマクロ経済の課題は、住宅用Wi-Fi市場にどの程度影響を与えているか?
  • 6GHz帯はどのような形で住宅用Wi-Fiインフラ市場に影響を与えるか?
  • デュアルバンド住宅用Wi-Fiインフラへの需要は持続するのか、それとも6GHzの出現によって市場は主に3無線以上の構成に移行するのか?
  • 住宅用Wi-Fiインフラにおける320MHzチャネルのサポートは、規格が成熟するにつれて減少すると予測されるか?
  • 無線ルータ、住宅用ゲートウェイ、住宅用ピュアアクセスポイント、Wi-Fiメッシュ、Wi-Fiエクステンダ/リピータなど、さまざまなタイプのWi-Fi機器の出荷台数と収益予測。
  • Wi-Fi 5、Wi-Fi 6、Wi-Fi 6E、Wi-Fi 7、Wi-Fi 8を含むすべての主要規格のWi-Fiプロトコルサイクルに関する詳細データ。
  • 北米、欧州、アジア太平洋地域、その他の地域市場の地域別内訳。
  • 住宅用Wi-Fiインフラ内の802.11無線機数の推移に関する予測。
  • 家庭用Wi-Fi 7インフラにおける320 MHzチャネルサポートの予測。
  • 将来の市場需要に関する洞察を求めるエコシステムベンダーの市場戦略担当者
  • 家庭用Wi-Fi機器ベンダーのプロダクトマネージャー
  • 家庭用Wi-Fi市場にサービスを提供する部品サプライヤーやチップセット設計企業の意思決定者。
  • 家庭用Wi-Fiインフラの導入を検討しているサービスプロバイダの管理者。
  • Wi-Fi業界のソフトウェアベンダー



Definitions, SOHO/Residential and Enterprise Markets
SOHO/Residential Wi-Fi CPE Shipments by Device Type, World Markets: 2023 to 2030
SOHO/Residential Wi-Fi CPE Shipments by Region, World Markets: 2023 to 2030
SOHO/Residential Wi-Fi CPE Shipments by Protocol, World Markets: 2023 to 2030
SOHO/Residential Wi-Fi CPE Shipments by No. of 802.11 Radios, World Markets: 2023 to 2030
SOHO/Residential Wi-Fi CPE Shipments by MIMO Configuration, World Markets: 2023 to 2030
SOHO/Residential Wi-Fi CPE Shipments by Sales Channel, World Markets: 2023 to 2030
SOHO/Residential Wi-Fi CPE Shipments Sold to Retail by Protocol, World Markets: 2023 to 2030
SOHO/Residential Wi-Fi CPE Shipments Sold to Service Provider by Protocol, World Markets: 2023 to 2030
SOHO/Residential Wi-Fi CPE Shipments Sold to Retail by Protocol Ratios, World Markets: 2023 to 2030
SOHO/Residential Wi-Fi CPE Shipments Sold to Service Provider by Protocol Ratios, World Markets: 2023 to 2030
SOHO/Residential External Adapter Shipments by Form Factor, World Markets: 2023 to 2030
SOHO/Residential External Adapter Shipments by Protocol, World Markets: 2023 to 2030
SOHO/Residential External Adapter Shipments by Region, World Markets: 2023 to 2030
Shipments of Residential Wi-Fi 7 WLAN APs Supporting 320 MHz Bandwidths by Region, World Markets: 2023 to 2030
Ratio of Residential Wi-Fi 7 WLAN AP Shipments That Support 320 MHz Bandwidths by Region, World Markets: 2023 to 2030
SOHO/Residential Wireless Router Shipments by Region and Protocol, World Markets: 2023 to 2030
SOHO/Residential Gateway Shipments by Region and Protocol, World Markets: 2023 to 2030
SOHO/Residential Mesh Shipments by Region and Protocol, World Markets: 2023 to 2030
SOHO/Residential Extender/Repeater Shipments by Region and Protocol, World Markets: 2023 to 2030
SOHO/Residential Wi-Fi CPE Revenue by Device Type, World Markets: 2023 to 2030
SOHO/Residential Wi-Fi CPE Revenue by Region, World Markets: 2023 to 2030
SOHO/Residential Wi-Fi CPE Revenue by Sales Channel, World Markets: 2023 to 2030
SOHO/Residential External Adapter Revenue by Form Factor, World Markets: 2023 to 2030
SOHO/Residential External Adapter Revenue by Region, World Markets: 2023 to 2030





Report Description
Actionable Benefits
  • Grasp the present dynamics and future trends in the residential Wi-Fi infrastructure market.
  • Create production schedules by referring to projected market data through 2030 for different residential Wi-Fi infrastructure types, including residential gateways wireless routers, mesh, and extender/repeaters.
  • Make use of regional forecasts to devise global strategies and expand into new markets.
  • Gain foresight on the rate of adoption and speed of phasing out for the major Wi-Fi protocols, and align roadmap accordingly.
  • Understand potential Wi-Fi market revenue with historical and forecast revenue data.
  • Build 6 Gigahertz (GHz) strategies with foresight into demand for 6 GHz-enabled residential Wi-Fi infrastructure.
  • Ascertain the shifting number of 802.11 radios that residential Wi-Fi infrastructure will need to support and ensure that product designs reflect this trend.
  • Identify how much of the market will continue to support the maximum 320 Megahertz (MHz) channel bandwidths that Wi-Fi 7 enables.
Critical Questions Answered
  • How large is the residential Wi-Fi infrastructure market at present, and how will shipment volumes and total revenue develop over the next 6 years?
  • What is the current and future split between residential Wi-Fi infrastructure device type shipments in different regions internationally?
  • How will the major Wi-Fi protocol cycles pan out through 2030, including Wi-Fi 5, Wi-Fi 6, Wi-Fi 6E, Wi-Fi 7, and Wi-Fi 8?
  • To what degree have international macroeconomic challenges such as the COVID-19 pandemic, supply chain disruptions, and shifting consumer sentiments impacted the residential Wi-Fi market?
  • In which ways will the 6 GHz spectrum impact the residential Wi-Fi infrastructure market?
  • Will demand for dual-band residential Wi-Fi infrastructure persist, or will the emergence of 6 GHz cause the market to transition to predominantly tri-radio and above configurations?
  • Is it anticipated that 320 MHz channel support within residential Wi-Fi infrastructure will decrease as the standard matures?

Research Highlights

  • Shipment and revenue projections for different types of Wi-Fi equipment, spanning wireless routers, residential gateways, residential pure access points, Wi-Fi mesh, and Wi-Fi extender/repeaters.
  • Granular data on the Wi-Fi protocol cycles for all major standards, including Wi-Fi 5, Wi-Fi 6, Wi-Fi 6E, Wi-Fi 7, and Wi-Fi 8.
  • Regional breakdowns for the North American, European, Asia-Pacific, and Rest of World markets.
  • Foresight into the shifting number of 802.11 radios within residential Wi-Fi infrastructure.
  • Projections for 320 MHz channel support within residential Wi-Fi 7 Infrastructure.
Who Should Read This?
  • Market strategists of ecosystem vendors seeking insight on future market demand.
  • Product managers of residential Wi-Fi equipment vendors.
  • Decision makers in component suppliers and chipset design firms serving the residential Wi-Fi market.
  • Managers at service providers looking to deploy residential Wi-Fi infrastructure.
  • Software vendors working in the Wi-Fi industry.


Table of Contents

Definitions, SOHO/Residential and Enterprise Markets
SOHO/Residential Wi-Fi CPE Shipments by Device Type, World Markets: 2023 to 2030
SOHO/Residential Wi-Fi CPE Shipments by Region, World Markets: 2023 to 2030
SOHO/Residential Wi-Fi CPE Shipments by Protocol, World Markets: 2023 to 2030
SOHO/Residential Wi-Fi CPE Shipments by No. of 802.11 Radios, World Markets: 2023 to 2030
SOHO/Residential Wi-Fi CPE Shipments by MIMO Configuration, World Markets: 2023 to 2030
SOHO/Residential Wi-Fi CPE Shipments by Sales Channel, World Markets: 2023 to 2030
SOHO/Residential Wi-Fi CPE Shipments Sold to Retail by Protocol, World Markets: 2023 to 2030
SOHO/Residential Wi-Fi CPE Shipments Sold to Service Provider by Protocol, World Markets: 2023 to 2030
SOHO/Residential Wi-Fi CPE Shipments Sold to Retail by Protocol Ratios, World Markets: 2023 to 2030
SOHO/Residential Wi-Fi CPE Shipments Sold to Service Provider by Protocol Ratios, World Markets: 2023 to 2030
SOHO/Residential External Adapter Shipments by Form Factor, World Markets: 2023 to 2030
SOHO/Residential External Adapter Shipments by Protocol, World Markets: 2023 to 2030
SOHO/Residential External Adapter Shipments by Region, World Markets: 2023 to 2030
Shipments of Residential Wi-Fi 7 WLAN APs Supporting 320 MHz Bandwidths by Region, World Markets: 2023 to 2030
Ratio of Residential Wi-Fi 7 WLAN AP Shipments That Support 320 MHz Bandwidths by Region, World Markets: 2023 to 2030
SOHO/Residential Wireless Router Shipments by Region and Protocol, World Markets: 2023 to 2030
SOHO/Residential Gateway Shipments by Region and Protocol, World Markets: 2023 to 2030
SOHO/Residential Mesh Shipments by Region and Protocol, World Markets: 2023 to 2030
SOHO/Residential Extender/Repeater Shipments by Region and Protocol, World Markets: 2023 to 2030
SOHO/Residential Wi-Fi CPE Revenue by Device Type, World Markets: 2023 to 2030
SOHO/Residential Wi-Fi CPE Revenue by Region, World Markets: 2023 to 2030
SOHO/Residential Wi-Fi CPE Revenue by Sales Channel, World Markets: 2023 to 2030
SOHO/Residential External Adapter Revenue by Form Factor, World Markets: 2023 to 2030
SOHO/Residential External Adapter Revenue by Region, World Markets: 2023 to 2030






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