
ノリリスク・ニッケル(GMKN:MCX) - 戦略的SWOTインサイト - 機会、課題、リスク、企業戦略、ESG戦略、競合情報、最新動向のレビュー

ノリリスク・ニッケル(GMKN:MCX) - 戦略的SWOTインサイト - 機会、課題、リスク、企業戦略、ESG戦略、競合情報、最新動向のレビュー

Norilsk Nickel (GMKN:MCX) - Strategic SWOT Insights - A Review of Opportunities, Challenges and Risk, Corporate and ESG Strategies, Competitive Intelligence, and Recent Trends

レポート概要 イヤーエンド・オファー - 今ご購入いただくと、次回の年次報告書発行日から30日以内に、本レポートの最新版を追加料金なしで入手できます。(オファーの有効期限は2024年12月31日です。) Nor... もっと見る



出版社 出版年月 電子版価格 納期 ページ数 言語
Quaintel Research
2024年11月22日 US$195
3-4営業日程度 78 英語





イヤーエンド・オファー - 今ご購入いただくと、次回の年次報告書発行日から30日以内に、本レポートの最新版を追加料金なしで入手できます。(オファーの有効期限は2024年12月31日です。)

Norilsk Nickel (GMKN:MCX) - Strategic SWOT Insights - A 360° Review of Opportunities, Challenges and Risk, Corporate and ESG Strategies, Competitive Intelligence, and Recent Trends Reportは、ノリリスク・ニッケルの事業運営に関する包括的かつ容易にアクセス可能なレポートです。同社の戦略的な立ち位置や、競合他社と比較した業界内での位置づけを詳細に分析しています。本レポートには、意思決定を容易にし、同社の業績に関する洞察を提供するためのいくつかの主要な機能が含まれています。





ノリリスク・ニッケルはロシアのニッケル・パラジウム採掘・製錬会社である。最大の事業はシベリア北部のイェニセイ川近くのノリリスク・タルナフ地域にある。また、コラ半島のニケル、ザポリャルニー、モンチェゴルスク、フィンランド西部のハリアヴァルタ、南アフリカにも拠点を持つ。同社はMICEX-RTSに上場している。2021年3月現在、主要株主はウラジーミル・ポタニンのOlderfrey Holdings Ltd(34.59%)とオレグ・デリパスカのRusal(27.82%)。ノルニッケルはパラジウムと高品位ニッケルの最大手であり、プラチナと銅の最大手でもある。ノルニッケルはコバルト、ロジウム、銀、金、イリジウム、ルテニウム、セレン、テルル、硫黄も生産している。同社は、ポーラー事業部、コラMMC、ノリリスク・ニッケル・ハリアヴァルタ、ノリリスク・ニッケル・アフリカを含む5つの中核事業部を3カ国で運営している。


- 28-10-2024 - ノルニッケル社、2024年9月期の連結生産実績を発表
- 23-Sep-2024 - ノルニッケル、サンクトペテルブルグでバッテリー技術センターを公開
- 17-Sep-2024 - ノルニッケル社、先住民コミュニティとの関係強化のため方針を更新
- 05-Sep-2024 - Nornickel、効率向上のため経営モデルを変更
- 06-Aug-2024 - ノルニッケル社のエネルギー子会社がチョウザメの稚魚の大群をイエニセイに放流


- 戦術分析: - 企業の競争上の地位と経営環境を洞察するための様々な戦略的フレームワーク。これらの分析ツールは、競争上の優位性、潜在的なリスク、改善・効率化のための領域を特定するのに役立ち、企業が十分な情報に基づいた戦術的意思決定を行うことを可能にする。
- 事業戦略: - 企業の全体的な方向性、目標、意思決定プロセスの形成に貢献し、長期的な成功とステークホルダーの期待との整合性を確保します。
- 企業基礎:企業の歴史、事業、リーダーシップ、地理的プレゼンスに関する貴重な洞察を提供し、組織の包括的な理解を助けます。
- 競争環境:会社の主な競争相手を特定し、その競争環境に関する洞察を提供します。


- SWOT分析と企業戦略を通じて、ノリリスク・ニッケルの内的・外的要因を包括的に理解することができます。
- 様々な分析と潜在的な顧客やサプライヤーの特定により、戦略的な意思決定に努めます。
- 内的・外的要因の徹底的な分析によるリスクの軽減。さらに、これらの課題に対処し、事業運営への影響を最小限に抑えるための戦略とコンティンジェンシープランを策定する。
- 競合ベンチマーキングは、業界動向、顧客嗜好、ベストプラクティスを理解することで競争優位性を獲得するのに役立ちます。
- 本レポートから得られる貴重な洞察により、投資家やパートナーは、同社との協業、投資、パートナーシップの可能性について、十分な情報に基づいた意思決定を行うことができます。


- ノリリスク・ニッケル PESTLE分析
- ノリリスク・ニッケル バリューチェーン分析
- ノリリスク・ニッケル ポーターの5つの力分析
- ノリリスク・ニッケル VRIO分析
- ノリリスク・ニッケルBCG分析
- ノリリスク・ニッケル セグメンテーション、ターゲティング、ポジショニング(STP)分析
- ノリリスク・ニッケル アンソフ・マトリックス分析



Table of Contents
Table of Contents 2
Tables 5
Charts 6
Norilsk Nickel-Key Company Facts 7
Norilsk Nickel- Company Description 8
Norilsk Nickel- Top Executives 9
Norilsk Nickel- Head Office & Locations 10
Head Office - Country 10
Norilsk Nickel- Productsand Services 11
Products 11
Services 12
Norilsk Nickel-Company'sMission and Vision 13
Mission 13
Norilsk Nickel- Corporate Strategy 14
Norilsk Nickel- Business Description 21
NORILSK Division 22
KOLA Division 22
TRANS-BAIKAL Division 23
Energy and Sales Division 23
Norilsk Nickel- ESG Spotlight 24
Environment 24
Social 25
Corporate Governance 26
Norilsk Nickel- SWOT Analysis 27
Overview 27
Strengths 29
Weaknesses 32
Opportunities 35
Threats 37
Competing Players 39
Snapshot of Competing Players 40
Anglo American Plc 40
Key Company Facts 40
Company Description 40
Barrick Gold Corporation 41
Key Company Facts 41
Company Description 41
BHP Group Ltd 42
Key Company Facts 42
Company Description 42
Rio Tinto Group 43
Key Company Facts 43
Company Description 43
Vale SA 44
Key Company Facts 44
Company Description 44
Norilsk Nickel - In the News 45
28-Oct-2024- Nornickel announces Consolidated production results for 9M 2024 45
23-Sep-2024- Nornickel unveils Battery Technology Center in St. Petersburg 46
17-Sep-2024- Nornickel updates policy to strengthen ties with indigenous communities 46
05-Sep-2024- Nornickel changes management model to improve efficiency 49
06-Aug-2024- Nornickel's energy subsidiary releases swarms of sturgeon fingerlings into Yenisei 50
05-Jun-2024- Robots and spider cranes help upgrade Nornickel's flagship facility 52
30-May-2024- Nornickel presents metals market review 53
23-May-2024- Nornickel's Board of Directors recommends not to pay dividends for FY 2023 to shareholders 56
21-May-2024- Nornickel presented key IT-projects at digitalization of industrial Russia forum 56
27-Apr-2024- Staff changes in Nornickel 58
22-Apr-2024- Nornickel announces Consolidated Production Results for 1Q 2024 59
09-Apr-2024- Nornickel reports first results of its Sulphur Programme 59
04-Apr-2024- Nornickel announces stock split 61
27-Mar-2024- Nornickel Unveils Innovative Developments for Carbon-Free Energy in Beijing 61
21-Mar-2024- Bank of Russia approves stock split at Nornickel 63
29-Feb-2024- Nornickel approves updated environmental strategy and Key focus areas of carbon neutrality 63
Norilsk Nickel-Key Deals 65
21-May-2024 - Nornickel and Rostelecom build partnership to foster cyber resilience of mining and metals industry 65
17-May-2024 - Nornickel and MTS RED sign cooperation agreement on information security 66
26-Mar-2024 - Rosatom to supply Nornickel with new generation radioisotope instruments 67
08-Feb-2024 - Nornickel signs cooperation agreements with two Russian software developers 68
29-Nov-2023 - Nornickel joins forces with Siberian Federal University and Polar State University for scientific and educational cooperation 68
14-Nov-2023 - Nornickel, Security Vision sign cooperation agreement on information security 70
15-Sep-2023 - Nornickel and Kaspersky agree to extend cooperation in industrial and corporate infrastructure security 70
04-Sep-2023 - Nornickel invested RUB 1.3 bln to support indigenous people of Taymyr 72
09-Jun-2023 - NTEC goes ahead with the implementation of agreement with Rosrybolovstvo 73
25-May-2023 - Nornickel and Russian nuclear and environmental watchdog sign cooperation agreement 74
Appendix 75
Definitions 75
SWOT Analysis 75
PESTLE Analysis 75
Value Chain Analysis 75
ESG Spotlight 75
Research Methodology 76
Disclaimer 77
Contact Us 77



Table 1: Norilsk Nickel - Company Facts
Table 2: Norilsk Nickel - Digital Presence
Table 3: Norilsk Nickel - Top Executives
Table 4: Norilsk Nickel- Products
Table 5: Norilsk Nickel-Services
Table 6: Norilsk Nickel -Competing Players
Table 7: Competing Players - Anglo American Plc - Key Company Facts
Table 8: Competing Players - Barrick Gold Corporation - Key Company Facts
Table 9: Competing Players - BHP Group Ltd - Key Company Facts
Table 10: Competing Players - Rio Tinto Group - Key Company Facts
Table 11: Competing Players - Vale SA - Key Company Facts





Report Summary

Year End Offer - Buy Now and get an updated version of this Report at no extra cost within 30 days of the release of Company's next Annual Report. (Offer expires on 31st Dec 2024)

Norilsk Nickel (GMKN:MCX) - Strategic SWOT Insights - A 360° Review of Opportunities, Challenges and Risk, Corporate and ESG Strategies, Competitive Intelligence, and Recent Trends Report is a comprehensive and easily accessible overview of Norilsk Nickel's business operations. It provides a detailed analysis of the company's strategic standing, as well as its position in the industry compared to competitors. The report includes several key features to facilitate decision-making and provide insights into the company's performance.

The report begins with in-depth information about Norilsk Nickel including key insights, business segments, key executives, locations, products and services, historical events, corporate strategy, and management discussions. This section provides a solid foundation for understanding the company's key attributes.

Next, the report assesses Norilsk Nickel's strategic standing through various analyses. The ESG spotlight evaluates the company's environmental, social, and governance performance, providing insights into its sustainability efforts and ethical practices. The SWOT analysis examines the company's internal strengths and weaknesses, as well as external opportunities and threats. By integrating these strategic analyses, the report offers a comprehensive understanding of Norilsk Nickel's overall strategic standing and supports informed decision-making and strategic planning.

Finally, the report includes recent news and deal activities undertaken by Norilsk Nickel enhancing awareness of the company's business trends, growth perspectives, and more.

Key Highlights

Norilsk Nickel is a Russian nickel and palladium mining and smelting company. Its largest operations are located in the Norilsk–Talnakh area near the Yenisei River in the north of Siberia. It also has holdings in Nikel, Zapolyarny, and Monchegorsk on the Kola Peninsula, in Harjavalta in western Finland, and in South Africa. The company is listed on MICEX-RTS. As of March 2021, its key shareholders were Vladimir Potanin's Olderfrey Holdings Ltd (34.59%) and Oleg Deripaska's Rusal (27.82%). It is the largest palladium and high-grade nickel producer and one of the largest producers of platinum and copper. Nornickel also produces cobalt, rhodium, silver, gold, iridium, ruthenium, selenium, tellurium, and sulphur. The company operates five core operational divisions across three countries, including Polar Division, Kola MMC, Norilsk Nickel Harjavalta, and Norilsk Nickel Africa.

Norilsk Nickel in the News:-

- 28-Oct-2024 - Nornickel announces Consolidated production results for 9M 2024
- 23-Sep-2024 - Nornickel unveils Battery Technology Center in St. Petersburg
- 17-Sep-2024 - Nornickel updates policy to strengthen ties with indigenous communities
- 05-Sep-2024 - Nornickel changes management model to improve efficiency
- 06-Aug-2024 - Nornickel’s energy subsidiary releases swarms of sturgeon fingerlings into Yenisei


• Tactical Analysis:- Various strategic frameworks to gain insights into a company's competitive position and operational environment. These analytical tools assist in identifying competitive advantages, potential risks, and areas for improvement and efficiency, enabling companies to make informed tactical decisions.
• Business Strategy:- Contributes to shaping the company's overall direction, goals, and decision-making processes, ensuring long-term success and alignment with stakeholder expectations.
• Company Fundamentals:- These fundamentals offer valuable insights into the company's history, operations, leadership, and geographical presence, aiding in a comprehensive understanding of the organization.
• Competitive Landscape:- An identification of the company's main competitors, providing insights into the competitive landscape it operates in.

Reasons to Buy

• Comprehensive Understanding of the Norilsk Nickel's internal and external factors through SWOT analysis and Corporate Strategy.
• Strive Strategic Decision Making with various analyses and identifying potential customers and suppliers.
• Mitigate Risk with help of thorough analysis of internal and external factors. Furthermore, develop strategies and contingency plans to address these challenges and minimize their impact on business operations.
• Competitive Benchmarking will help to gain a competitive advantage by understanding industry trends, customer preferences, and best practices.
• Valuable insights from the report enable investors and partners to make informed decisions regarding potential Collaborations, Investments, or Partnerships with the company.

Additionally, available deep-dive analysis on the company Norilsk Nickel:

• Norilsk Nickel PESTLE Analysis
• Norilsk Nickel Value Chain Analysis
• Norilsk Nickel Porter's Five Forces Analysis
• Norilsk Nickel VRIO Analysis
• Norilsk Nickel BCG Analysis
• Norilsk Nickel Segmentation, Targeting and Positioning (STP) Analysis
• Norilsk Nickel Ansoff Matrix Analysis


Table of Contents

Table of Contents
Table of Contents 2
Tables 5
Charts 6
Norilsk Nickel-Key Company Facts 7
Norilsk Nickel- Company Description 8
Norilsk Nickel- Top Executives 9
Norilsk Nickel- Head Office & Locations 10
Head Office - Country 10
Norilsk Nickel- Productsand Services 11
Products 11
Services 12
Norilsk Nickel-Company'sMission and Vision 13
Mission 13
Norilsk Nickel- Corporate Strategy 14
Norilsk Nickel- Business Description 21
NORILSK Division 22
KOLA Division 22
TRANS-BAIKAL Division 23
Energy and Sales Division 23
Norilsk Nickel- ESG Spotlight 24
Environment 24
Social 25
Corporate Governance 26
Norilsk Nickel- SWOT Analysis 27
Overview 27
Strengths 29
Weaknesses 32
Opportunities 35
Threats 37
Competing Players 39
Snapshot of Competing Players 40
Anglo American Plc 40
Key Company Facts 40
Company Description 40
Barrick Gold Corporation 41
Key Company Facts 41
Company Description 41
BHP Group Ltd 42
Key Company Facts 42
Company Description 42
Rio Tinto Group 43
Key Company Facts 43
Company Description 43
Vale SA 44
Key Company Facts 44
Company Description 44
Norilsk Nickel - In the News 45
28-Oct-2024- Nornickel announces Consolidated production results for 9M 2024 45
23-Sep-2024- Nornickel unveils Battery Technology Center in St. Petersburg 46
17-Sep-2024- Nornickel updates policy to strengthen ties with indigenous communities 46
05-Sep-2024- Nornickel changes management model to improve efficiency 49
06-Aug-2024- Nornickel's energy subsidiary releases swarms of sturgeon fingerlings into Yenisei 50
05-Jun-2024- Robots and spider cranes help upgrade Nornickel's flagship facility 52
30-May-2024- Nornickel presents metals market review 53
23-May-2024- Nornickel's Board of Directors recommends not to pay dividends for FY 2023 to shareholders 56
21-May-2024- Nornickel presented key IT-projects at digitalization of industrial Russia forum 56
27-Apr-2024- Staff changes in Nornickel 58
22-Apr-2024- Nornickel announces Consolidated Production Results for 1Q 2024 59
09-Apr-2024- Nornickel reports first results of its Sulphur Programme 59
04-Apr-2024- Nornickel announces stock split 61
27-Mar-2024- Nornickel Unveils Innovative Developments for Carbon-Free Energy in Beijing 61
21-Mar-2024- Bank of Russia approves stock split at Nornickel 63
29-Feb-2024- Nornickel approves updated environmental strategy and Key focus areas of carbon neutrality 63
Norilsk Nickel-Key Deals 65
21-May-2024 - Nornickel and Rostelecom build partnership to foster cyber resilience of mining and metals industry 65
17-May-2024 - Nornickel and MTS RED sign cooperation agreement on information security 66
26-Mar-2024 - Rosatom to supply Nornickel with new generation radioisotope instruments 67
08-Feb-2024 - Nornickel signs cooperation agreements with two Russian software developers 68
29-Nov-2023 - Nornickel joins forces with Siberian Federal University and Polar State University for scientific and educational cooperation 68
14-Nov-2023 - Nornickel, Security Vision sign cooperation agreement on information security 70
15-Sep-2023 - Nornickel and Kaspersky agree to extend cooperation in industrial and corporate infrastructure security 70
04-Sep-2023 - Nornickel invested RUB 1.3 bln to support indigenous people of Taymyr 72
09-Jun-2023 - NTEC goes ahead with the implementation of agreement with Rosrybolovstvo 73
25-May-2023 - Nornickel and Russian nuclear and environmental watchdog sign cooperation agreement 74
Appendix 75
Definitions 75
SWOT Analysis 75
PESTLE Analysis 75
Value Chain Analysis 75
ESG Spotlight 75
Research Methodology 76
Disclaimer 77
Contact Us 77


List of Tables/Graphs

Table 1: Norilsk Nickel - Company Facts
Table 2: Norilsk Nickel - Digital Presence
Table 3: Norilsk Nickel - Top Executives
Table 4: Norilsk Nickel- Products
Table 5: Norilsk Nickel-Services
Table 6: Norilsk Nickel -Competing Players
Table 7: Competing Players - Anglo American Plc - Key Company Facts
Table 8: Competing Players - Barrick Gold Corporation - Key Company Facts
Table 9: Competing Players - BHP Group Ltd - Key Company Facts
Table 10: Competing Players - Rio Tinto Group - Key Company Facts
Table 11: Competing Players - Vale SA - Key Company Facts






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