
Miele and Cie KG - 戦略的SWOT洞察 - 機会、課題、リスク、企業戦略、ESG戦略、競合情報、最新動向に関する360のレビュー

Miele and Cie KG - Strategic SWOT Insights - A 360 Review of Opportunities, Challenges and Risk, Corporate and ESG Strategies, Competitive Intelligence, and Recent Trends

レポート概要 Miele and Cie KG - Strategic SWOT Insights - A 360° Review of Opportunities, Challenges and Risk, Corporate and ESG Strategies, Competitive Intelligence, and Recent Trends Reportは... もっと見る



出版社 出版年月 電子版価格 ページ数 言語
Quaintel Research
2024年9月19日 US$195
99 英語





Miele and Cie KG - Strategic SWOT Insights - A 360° Review of Opportunities, Challenges and Risk, Corporate and ESG Strategies, Competitive Intelligence, and Recent Trends Reportは、Miele and Cie KGの事業運営に関する包括的かつ容易にアクセス可能なレポートです。本レポートでは、ミーレの戦略的地位、競合他社と比較した業界での地位について詳細に分析しています。本レポートには、意思決定を容易にし、同社の業績に関する洞察を提供するいくつかの主要な機能が含まれています。







- 04-Sep-2024 - ミーレはIFA 2024で新世代の洗濯機、タンブル乾燥機、掃除機を発表します。
- 04-Sep-2024 - より優しく、より速く、より便利に-ミーレの新しい洗濯機とタンブル乾燥機
- 04-Sep-2024 - ミーレ・ガードシリーズ:新世代の掃除機がフロアケアを一新
- 23-Aug-2024 - 循環型経済:ミーレがIFAで循環型掃除機のコンセプトを発表
- 23-Aug-2024 - 修理、再生、リサイクル:ミーレが国際的なパイロットプロジェクトを開始


- 戦術分析: - 企業の競争上の地位や経営環境を洞察するための様々な戦略的フレームワーク。これらの分析ツールは、競争上の優位性、潜在的なリスク、改善・効率化のための領域を特定するのに役立ち、企業が十分な情報に基づいた戦術的意思決定を行うことを可能にします。
- 事業戦略: - 企業の全体的な方向性、目標、意思決定プロセスの形成に貢献し、長期的な成功とステークホルダーの期待との整合性を確保します。
- 企業基礎:企業の歴史、事業、リーダーシップ、地理的プレゼンスに関する貴重な洞察を提供し、組織の包括的な理解を助けます。
- 競争環境:会社の主な競争相手を特定し、その競争環境に関する洞察を提供します。


- SWOT分析および企業戦略を通じて、ミーレ社の内部要因と外部要因を包括的に理解することができます。
- 様々な分析と潜在的な顧客やサプライヤーを特定することで、戦略的な意思決定に努めます。
- 内的・外的要因を徹底的に分析し、リスクを軽減する。さらに、これらの課題に対処し、事業運営への影響を最小限に抑えるための戦略とコンティンジェンシープランを策定する。
- 競合ベンチマーキングは、業界動向、顧客嗜好、ベストプラクティスを理解することで競争優位性を獲得するのに役立ちます。
- 本レポートから得られる貴重な洞察により、投資家やパートナーは、同社との協業、投資、パートナーシップの可能性について、十分な情報に基づいた意思決定を行うことができます。


- ミーレ&チエKG PESTLE分析
- Miele and Cie KG バリューチェーン分析
- Miele and Cie KG ポーターの5つの力分析
- ミーレ&シエKG VRIO分析
- ミーレ&クリエKG BCG分析
- ミーレ&シエKGのセグメンテーション、ターゲティング、ポジショニング(STP)分析
- ミーレ&シエKG アンソフマトリクス分析



目次 2
表 5
チャート 6
Miele & Cie KG - 主要企業情報 7
Miele & Cie KG - 会社概要 8
Miele & Cie KG - トップエグゼクティブ 9
Miele & Cie KG - トップエグゼクティブ略歴 10
Miele & Cie KG - 本社および所在地 12
本社 - 国 12
主要子会社 13
主要ジョイントベンチャー 15
Miele & Cie KG - 製品およびサービス 16
製品 16
サービス 17
Miele & Cie KG - 歴史的な出来事 18
Miele & Cie KG - 企業の使命とビジョン 20
ビジョン 20
Miele & Cie KG - 企業戦略 21
Miele & Cie KG - 事業内容 23
家庭用電化製品 23
業務用アプライアンス 23
その他のセグメント 24
ミーレ&シエナジー - ESGスポットライト 25
環境 25
社会 26
コーポレート・ガバナンス 26
ミーレ&シーゲー - SWOT分析 27
概要 27
強み 30
弱み 33
機会 36
脅威 39
競合プレーヤー 41
競合プレーヤーのスナップショット 42
ABエレクトロラックス 42
主な会社概要 42
会社概要 42
BSHハウスゲレート社 44
主な会社概要 44
会社概要 44
ハイアール・グループ・コーポレーション 45
主な会社概要 45
会社概要 45
サブゼロ・グループ 46
主な会社概要 46
会社概要 46
主な会社概要 47
会社概要 47
Miele & Cie KG- ビジネスシグナル 49
シグナルセンチメント分析 49
シグナルセグメント分析 50
センチメント分析によるシグナルセグメント 51
センチメント分析によるシグナル 54
ミーレ & チエ KG - ニュース 59
2024 年 9 月 4 日- ミーレは IFA 2024 で新世代の洗濯機、タンブル乾燥機、掃除機を発表 59
04-Sep-2024- より優しく、より速く、より便利に-ミーレの新しい洗濯機とタンブル乾燥機 61
04-Sep-2024- ミーレ・ガードシリーズ:新世代の掃除機がフロアケアを再定義 64
23-Aug-2024- 循環型経済:ミーレはIFAで循環型掃除機のコンセプトを発表 67
23-Aug-2024- 修理、再生、リサイクル:ミーレは国際的なパイロットプロジェクトを開始 70
14-Dec-2023- DACH販売地域とミーレドイツの責任者が交代 73
2023-12-07- アラバマ州に米国工場を建設 75
29-Nov-2023- 晴天の見通し:ヴァレンドルフにミーレの新しい太陽光発電設備を設置 77
2023/11/22- ミーレの接続型洗濯機がコインランドリーの利便性を向上 79
2023年10月31日- ミーレ、2度目のドイツ持続可能性賞を受賞 81
2023年9月19日- ミーレの洗濯機がピュルス・イノベーション・アワード2023の最終選考に進出 83
2023 年 9 月 19 日- Miele MOVE Clean+:デジタル管理によるクリーニングの効率化 85
2023 年 9 月 15 日- Miele IH コンロ MattFinish ユニークなデザインと優れた耐傷性を両立 87
30-Aug-2023- モダンなデザイン、パワフルでフレキシブル:ミーレの新しいデュオフレックス HX1 コードレスハンドスティック 89
30-Aug-2023- G 7000 食器洗い乾燥機:日常生活での利便性と持続可能性がさらに向上 91
Miele & Cie KG - 主要取引 94
2023年12月20日 - ミーレはOtto Wilde Grillersを完全買収 94
2022年11月10日 - ミーレ、チュービンゲンの衛生専門企業 SMP を買収 95
2022年1月26日 - ミーレ、ユーロフィルターを100%買収 96
付録 97
定義 97
SWOT 分析 97
PESTLE 分析 97
バリューチェーン分析 97
ESGスポットライト 97
調査方法 98
免責事項 99



Table 1: Miele & Cie KG - Company Facts
Table 2: Miele & Cie KG - Top Executives
Table 3: Miele & Cie KG - Top Executives Biographies
Table 4: Miele & Cie KG - Subsidiaries
Table 5: Miele & Cie KG - Key Joint Ventures
Table 6: Miele & Cie KG - Products
Table 7: Miele & Cie KG - Services
Table 8: Miele & Cie KG - Historic Events
Table 9: Miele & Cie KG -Competing Players
Table 10: Competing Players - AB Electrolux - Key Company Facts
Table 11: Competing Players - AB Electrolux - Key Financials
Table 12: Competing Players - BSH Hausgerate GmbH - Key Company Facts
Table 13: Competing Players - Haier Group Corporation - Key Company Facts
Table 14: Competing Players - Sub-Zero Group Inc - Key Company Facts
Table 15: Competing Players - Viking Range, LLC - Key Company Facts
Table 16: Miele & Cie KG - Business Signal Sentiments Analytics
Table 17: Miele & Cie KG - Business Signal Segments Analytics
Table 18: Miele & Cie KG - Business Signal Segments by Sentiments Analytics
Table 19: Miele & Cie KG - Business Signals by Sentiment Analytics
Table 20: Miele & Cie KG - Business Signal, Segment and Sentiment





Report Summary

Miele and Cie KG - Strategic SWOT Insights - A 360° Review of Opportunities, Challenges and Risk, Corporate and ESG Strategies, Competitive Intelligence, and Recent Trends Report is a comprehensive and easily accessible overview of Miele and Cie KG's business operations. It provides a detailed analysis of the company's strategic standing, as well as its position in the industry compared to competitors. The report includes several key features to facilitate decision-making and provide insights into the company's performance.

The report begins with in-depth information about Miele and Cie KG including key insights, business segments, key executives, locations, products and services, historical events, corporate strategy, and management discussions. This section provides a solid foundation for understanding the company's key attributes.

Next, the report assesses Miele and Cie KG's strategic standing through various analyses. The ESG spotlight evaluates the company's environmental, social, and governance performance, providing insights into its sustainability efforts and ethical practices. The SWOT analysis examines the company's internal strengths and weaknesses, as well as external opportunities and threats. By integrating these strategic analyses, the report offers a comprehensive understanding of Miele and Cie KG's overall strategic standing and supports informed decision-making and strategic planning.

Finally, the report includes recent news and deal activities undertaken by Miele and Cie KG enhancing awareness of the company's business trends, growth perspectives, and more.

Key Highlights

Miele and Cie KG, commonly known as Miele, was founded in 1899. The company's headquarters is in Gutersloh, Germany. It has presence in Europe, America, Asia, Africa, and Oceania. It offers a wide range of high-end appliances known for their quality, durability, and innovation. Their diverse product range spans various categories: In the realm of kitchen appliances, it offers an extensive selection including ovens (electric, gas, steam), cooktops (gas, electric, induction), dishwashers, refrigerators (freezers, built-in, freestanding), coffee machines, microwaves, vacuum cleaners, hoods, steam cookers, and built-in appliances. In the laundry domain, their offerings encompass washing machines, tumble dryers, washer-dryer combos, and steamers. For floor care, Miele provides canister vacuums, upright vacuums, robotic vacuums, and related accessories. Their product line extends to other categories such as wine coolers, air purifiers, food storage containers, and cooking accessories. The company complements its exceptional products with a range of services, including professional installation and repair services, a standard 2-year warranty with optional extensions, comprehensive after-sales support through authorized service centers, and a supply of spare parts for long-term appliance maintenance. Additionally, Miele caters to professional needs with a line of appliances designed for use in restaurants and hotels. Demonstrating a commitment to sustainability, Miele offers a selection of energy-efficient appliances, contributing to their reputation as a leader in the high-end appliance market.

Miele and Cie KG in the News:-

- 04-Sep-2024 - Miele is presenting new generations of washing machines, tumble dryers and vacuum cleaners at IFA 2024
- 04-Sep-2024 - Even gentler, faster and more convenient – the new washing machines and tumble dryers from Miele
- 04-Sep-2024 - Miele Guard series: the new vacuum cleaner generation is redefining floor care
- 23-Aug-2024 - Circular economy: Miele presents a concept for a circular vacuum cleaner at IFA
- 23-Aug-2024 - Repair, Refurbish, Recycle: Miele launches international pilot projects


• Tactical Analysis:- Various strategic frameworks to gain insights into a company's competitive position and operational environment. These analytical tools assist in identifying competitive advantages, potential risks, and areas for improvement and efficiency, enabling companies to make informed tactical decisions.
• Business Strategy:- Contributes to shaping the company's overall direction, goals, and decision-making processes, ensuring long-term success and alignment with stakeholder expectations.
• Company Fundamentals:- These fundamentals offer valuable insights into the company's history, operations, leadership, and geographical presence, aiding in a comprehensive understanding of the organization.
• Competitive Landscape:- An identification of the company's main competitors, providing insights into the competitive landscape it operates in.

Reasons to Buy

• Comprehensive Understanding of the Miele and Cie KG's internal and external factors through SWOT analysis and Corporate Strategy.
• Strive Strategic Decision Making with various analyses and identifying potential customers and suppliers.
• Mitigate Risk with help of thorough analysis of internal and external factors. Furthermore, develop strategies and contingency plans to address these challenges and minimize their impact on business operations.
• Competitive Benchmarking will help to gain a competitive advantage by understanding industry trends, customer preferences, and best practices.
• Valuable insights from the report enable investors and partners to make informed decisions regarding potential Collaborations, Investments, or Partnerships with the company.

Additionally, available deep-dive analysis on the company Miele and Cie KG:

• Miele and Cie KG PESTLE Analysis
• Miele and Cie KG Value Chain Analysis
• Miele and Cie KG Porter's Five Forces Analysis
• Miele and Cie KG VRIO Analysis
• Miele and Cie KG BCG Analysis
• Miele and Cie KG Segmentation, Targeting and Positioning (STP) Analysis
• Miele and Cie KG Ansoff Matrix Analysis


Table of Contents

Table of Contents
Table of Contents 2
Tables 5
Charts 6
Miele & Cie KG - Key Company Facts 7
Miele & Cie KG - Company Description 8
Miele & Cie KG - Top Executives 9
Miele & Cie KG - Top Executives Biographies 10
Miele & Cie KG - Head Office & Locations 12
Head Office - Country 12
Key Subsidiaries 13
Key Joint Ventures 15
Miele & Cie KG - Products and Services 16
Products 16
Services 17
Miele & Cie KG - Historic Events 18
Miele & Cie KG - Company's Mission and Vision 20
Vision 20
Miele & Cie KG - Corporate Strategy 21
Miele & Cie KG - Business Description 23
Domestic Appliances 23
Professional Appliances 23
Additional Segments 24
Miele & Cie KG - ESG Spotlight 25
Environment 25
Social 26
Corporate Governance 26
Miele & Cie KG - SWOT Analysis 27
Overview 27
Strengths 30
Weaknesses 33
Opportunities 36
Threats 39
Competing Players 41
Snapshot of Competing Players 42
AB Electrolux 42
Key Company Facts 42
Company Description 42
BSH Hausgerate GmbH 44
Key Company Facts 44
Company Description 44
Haier Group Corporation 45
Key Company Facts 45
Company Description 45
Sub-Zero Group Inc 46
Key Company Facts 46
Company Description 46
Viking Range, LLC 47
Key Company Facts 47
Company Description 47
Miele & Cie KG- Business Signals 49
Signal Sentiments Analytics 49
Signal Segments Analytics 50
Signal Segments by Sentiments Analytics 51
Signals by Sentiments Analytics 54
Miele & Cie KG - In the News 59
04-Sep-2024- Miele is presenting new generations of washing machines, tumble dryers and vacuum cleaners at IFA 2024 59
04-Sep-2024- Even gentler, faster and more convenient - the new washing machines and tumble dryers from Miele 61
04-Sep-2024- Miele Guard series: the new vacuum cleaner generation is redefining floor care 64
23-Aug-2024- Circular economy: Miele presents a concept for a circular vacuum cleaner at IFA 67
23-Aug-2024- Repair, Refurbish, Recycle: Miele launches international pilot projects 70
14-Dec-2023- Changes at the helm of the DACH sales region and Miele Germany 73
07-Dec-2023- Miele builds its announced US plant in Alabama 75
29-Nov-2023- Sunny prospects: New Miele PV installation in Warendorf 77
22-Nov-2023- Connected Miele washing machines offer added convenience in launderettes 79
31-Oct-2023- Miele wins German Sustainability Award for the second time 81
19-Sep-2023- Miele washing machine qualifies for finals of Purus Innovation Award 2023 83
19-Sep-2023- Miele MOVE Clean+: Digital management for greater efficiency in contract cleaning 85
15-Sep-2023- Miele induction hob units with MattFinish combine unique design and excellent scratch resistance 87
30-Aug-2023- Modern design, powerful and flexible: The new Duoflex HX1 cordless handstick from Miele 89
30-Aug-2023- G 7000 Dishwasher: Now even more convenient and sustainable in everyday life 91
Miele & Cie KG - Key Deals 94
20-Dec-2023 - Miele takes over Otto Wilde Grillers completely 94
10-Nov-2022 - Miele takes over Tübingen hygiene specialist SMP 95
26-Jan-2022 - Miele acquires 100% of Eurofilters 96
Appendix 97
Definitions 97
SWOT Analysis 97
PESTLE Analysis 97
Value Chain Analysis 97
ESG Spotlight 97
Research Methodology 98
Disclaimer 99
Contact Us 99


List of Tables/Graphs

Table 1: Miele & Cie KG - Company Facts
Table 2: Miele & Cie KG - Top Executives
Table 3: Miele & Cie KG - Top Executives Biographies
Table 4: Miele & Cie KG - Subsidiaries
Table 5: Miele & Cie KG - Key Joint Ventures
Table 6: Miele & Cie KG - Products
Table 7: Miele & Cie KG - Services
Table 8: Miele & Cie KG - Historic Events
Table 9: Miele & Cie KG -Competing Players
Table 10: Competing Players - AB Electrolux - Key Company Facts
Table 11: Competing Players - AB Electrolux - Key Financials
Table 12: Competing Players - BSH Hausgerate GmbH - Key Company Facts
Table 13: Competing Players - Haier Group Corporation - Key Company Facts
Table 14: Competing Players - Sub-Zero Group Inc - Key Company Facts
Table 15: Competing Players - Viking Range, LLC - Key Company Facts
Table 16: Miele & Cie KG - Business Signal Sentiments Analytics
Table 17: Miele & Cie KG - Business Signal Segments Analytics
Table 18: Miele & Cie KG - Business Signal Segments by Sentiments Analytics
Table 19: Miele & Cie KG - Business Signals by Sentiment Analytics
Table 20: Miele & Cie KG - Business Signal, Segment and Sentiment






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