
酒さ治療市場:タイプ別(紅斑・血管拡張性酒さ、眼部酒さ、丘疹性膿疱性酒さ、体液性酒さ)、薬剤クラス別、投与方法別、流通チャネル別、地域別 - 2030年までの世界産業分析、機会、予測

酒さ治療市場:タイプ別(紅斑・血管拡張性酒さ、眼部酒さ、丘疹性膿疱性酒さ、体液性酒さ)、薬剤クラス別、投与方法別、流通チャネル別、地域別 - 2030年までの世界産業分析、機会、予測

Rosacea Treatment Market by Type (Erythematotelangiectatic Rosacea, Ocular Rosacea, Papulopustular Rosacea, Phymatous Rosacea), Drug Class, Mode of Administration, Distribution Channel, and Geography - Global Industry Analysis, Opportunities and Forecast up to 2030

酒さ治療市場規模 酒さ治療の世界市場規模は、2024年には19.7億ドルとなり、2030年には29.6億ドルに達すると予測され、予測期間中の年平均成長率は7.0%である。 酒さ治療市場の概要 酒さは、主に顔面に発症... もっと見る



出版社 出版年月 電子版価格 納期 ページ数 言語
Diligence Insights LLP
2024年9月1日 US$4,150
3営業日程度 251 英語





- 酒さ治療市場は、治療技術の進歩、認知度と診断率の向上、酒さの有病率の増加により、今後大きな成長が見込まれる。
- 加えて、美容整形に対する需要の高まり、個別化された治療アプローチへの傾倒の高まり、併用療法への注目の高まりは、酒さ治療市場の成長を促す顕著な要因である。
- しかし、酒さの病態に関する理解が限られていること、一部の治療に伴う副作用、高度な治療法の高額な費用が市場の成長を抑制している。
- 逆に、外用薬や経口薬に対する需要の高まり、標的療法の開発、新興国における医療インフラの拡大などが市場成長の機会を生み出している。




- 製薬会社
- 皮膚科クリニックおよび専門医
- 研究・学術機関
- 医療保険プロバイダー
- 規制当局および政策立案者
- 投資家および金融機関
- 小売薬局および販売業者

- バイエル
- ファイザー
- メーンファーマ
- AbbVie Inc (Allergan Plc)
- アクラリス・セラピューティクス
- ボシュ・ヘルス・カンパニーズ
- レオ・ファーマ
- ネスレ・スキンヘルス(ガルデルマS.A.)
- ソルジェル・テクノロジーズ
- ザイダス・グループ
- Foamix Pharmaceuticals
- ダーミラ

- 2023年9月、Mayne Pharma Group Limitedは、米国子会社がNovan, Inc.およびEPI Health, LLC.からRHOFADE®の全世界における権利を取得する資産売買契約を締結したと発表した。RHOFADE®(オキシメタゾリン塩酸塩)クリーム1%はNDA208552に基づき製造されており、成人の酒さに伴う持続性顔面紅斑の局所管理に指定されています。
- 2023年6月、ソルジェル・テクノロジーズ社はサーチライト・ファーマ社と提携し、カナダ市場向けにデザインされたTWYNEOとEPSOLAYの独占ライセンス契約を正式に締結した。この契約は、カナダにおけるTWYNEOとEPSOLAYの商業化をサーチライト社に委託するもので、当初の契約期間は15年間で、その後5年間の延長が可能である。

- 紅斑性血管拡張性酒さ
- 眼部酒さ
- 丘疹性膿疱性酒さ
- 類線維性酒さ

- α作動薬
- 抗生物質
- 降圧剤
- 副腎皮質ホルモン剤
- 免疫抑制剤
- レチノイド
- その他の薬剤

- 経口
- 局所

- ドラッグストア
- Eコマース
- 病院薬局
- 小売薬局

- 北米(米国、カナダ、メキシコ)市場推定、予測、機会分析
- ヨーロッパ(ドイツ、フランス、イギリス、イタリア、スペイン、その他のヨーロッパ諸国):市場予測、予測、機会分析
- アジア太平洋地域(中国, 日本, インド, 韓国, オーストラリア, ニュージーランド, その他アジア太平洋地域)の市場予測, 予測, 機会分析
- 南米(ブラジル, アルゼンチン, チリ, 南米のその他地域)の市場予測、見通し、機会分析
- 中東&アフリカ(UAE, サウジアラビア, カタール, イラン, 南アフリカ, 中東&アフリカのその他地域)の市場予測、予測、機会分析

- 市場を牽引する主要トレンドと現在の市場シナリオで直面する課題を理解する
- 成長機会の特定
- ポーターのファイブフォース分析
- 市場セグメントと有望な成長が予測される地域/国の詳細分析
- 収益(百万米ドル)ベースの過去および予測市場規模
- 主要製品およびソリューションの提供、主要財務情報、SWOT分析、採用した事業戦略を含む企業プロファイリング



1 市場紹介
1.1 市場の定義
1.2 調査範囲とセグメンテーション
1.3 ステークホルダー
1.4 略語一覧

2 エグゼクティブサマリー

3 調査方法

4 市場ダイナミクス
4.1 市場促進要因
4.2 市場の抑制要因
4.3 市場機会
4.4 市場の課題
4.5 COVID-19が酒さ治療薬市場に与える影響

5 ポーターのファイブフォース分析
5.1 供給者の交渉力
5.2 買い手の交渉力
5.3 新規参入の脅威
5.4 代替品の脅威
5.5 市場における競合関係

6 酒さ治療の世界市場:タイプ別
6.1 概要
6.2 紅斑性・血管拡張性酒さ
6.3 眼酒さ
6.4 丘疹性膿疱性酒さ
6.5 肉芽腫性酒さ

7 酒さ治療の世界市場:薬剤クラス別
7.1 概要
7.2 α作動薬
7.3 抗生物質
7.4 降圧剤
7.5 副腎皮質ステロイド
7.6 免疫抑制剤
7.7 レチノイド
7.8 その他の薬物クラス

8 酒さ治療の世界市場:投与形態別
8.1 概要
8.2 経口
8.3 局所

9 酒さ治療薬の世界市場:流通経路別
9.1 概要
9.2 ドラッグストア
9.3 Eコマース
9.4 病院薬局
9.5 小売薬局

10 酒さ治療の世界市場:地域別
10.1 概要
10.2 北米
10.2.1 米国
10.2.2 カナダ
10.2.3 メキシコ
10.3 ヨーロッパ
10.3.1 ドイツ
10.3.2 フランス
10.3.3 イギリス
10.3.4 イタリア
10.3.5 スペイン
10.3.6 その他のヨーロッパ
10.4 アジア太平洋
10.4.1 中国
10.4.2 日本
10.4.3 インド
10.4.4 韓国
10.4.5 オーストラリア
10.4.6 ニュージーランド
10.4.7 その他のアジア太平洋地域
10.5 南米
10.5.1 ブラジル
10.5.2 アルゼンチン
10.5.3 チリ
10.5.4 その他の南米地域
10.6 中東・アフリカ
10.6.1 アラブ首長国連邦
10.6.2 サウジアラビア
10.6.3 カタール
10.6.4 イラン
10.6.5 南アフリカ
10.6.6 その他の中東・アフリカ

11 主要開発

12 会社プロファイル
12.1 バイエル
12.1.1 事業概要
12.1.2 製品/サービスの提供
12.1.3 財務概要
12.1.4 SWOT分析
12.1.5 主要な活動
12.2 ファイザー
12.3 メーンファーマ
12.4 アッヴィ・インク(アラガン・ピーエルシー)
12.5 アクラリス・セラピューティクス
12.6 ボシュ・ヘルス・カンパニーズ
12.7 レオ・ファーマ
12.8 ネスレ・スキンヘルス(ガルデルマS.A.)
12.9 ソル・ジェル・テクノロジーズ
12.10 ザイダス・グループ
12.11 フォアミックス・ファーマシューティカルズ
12.12 ダーミラ





Rosacea Treatment Market Size
The global rosacea treatment market size was valued at $1.97 billion in 2024 and is projected to reach $2.96 billion by 2030, growing at a CAGR of 7.0% during the forecast period.

Rosacea Treatment Market Overview
Rosacea is a chronic skin condition that primarily affects the face, causing redness, visible blood vessels, and sometimes small, red, pus-filled bumps. This market encompasses a diverse array of products and therapies aimed at managing and alleviating these symptoms. Commonly prescribed treatments include topical antibiotics such as metronidazole and azelaic acid, while more severe cases may necessitate oral antibiotics like doxycycline. Laser and light therapies are also employed to address visible blood vessels and reduce redness. Additionally, gentle skincare products designed for sensitive skin play a crucial role in managing symptoms. As research and development continue, the market is likely to witness the emergence of new therapies to enhance the overall management of rosacea.

Rosacea Treatment Market Dynamics
• The rosacea treatment market is expected to witness significant growth in the future due to the advancements in treatment technologies, increasing awareness and diagnosis rates, and the growing prevalence of rosacea.
• Additionally, the growing demand for cosmetic procedures, the increasing inclination for personalized treatment approaches, and the rising focus on combination therapies are the prominent factors driving the growth of the rosacea treatment market.
• However, the limited understanding of rosacea pathogenesis, side effects associated with some treatments, and the high cost of advanced therapies are restraining the market growth.
• On the contrary, the rising demand for topical and oral medications, development of targeted therapies, and expanding healthcare infrastructure in emerging economies are creating opportunities for market growth.

Impact of COVID-19 on the Rosacea Treatment Market
Lockdowns, travel restrictions, and disruptions in healthcare services have led to delayed diagnoses and treatment initiation for many patients with rosacea. Additionally, the economic downturn has impacted individuals' ability to afford certain treatments, affecting market growth. However, the increased focus on health and wellness during the pandemic has also prompted heightened awareness of skin conditions, potentially driving demand for rosacea treatments. Furthermore, the shift towards telemedicine and online consultations has provided a platform for healthcare professionals to remotely address patient concerns and continue treatment plans. Despite the initial setbacks, the rosacea treatment market has seen a rebound as healthcare systems adapt to the challenges posed by the pandemic, and as individuals prioritize skincare and dermatological health in the evolving landscape of post-COVID healthcare.

By Drug Class, the Antibiotics Segment is Expected to Hold a Significant Market Share in the Rosacea Treatment Market
The antibiotics segment is expected to hold a significant market share in the rosacea treatment market during the forecast period owing to its effectiveness in managing the inflammatory and bacterial aspects of rosacea. Rosacea is a chronic skin condition often associated with heightened inflammation and the presence of Demodex mites, and antibiotics play a crucial role in addressing these components. Topical antibiotics, such as metronidazole and azelaic acid, are commonly prescribed to reduce inflammation and redness in mild to moderate cases. For more severe instances, oral antibiotics like doxycycline may be recommended to control bacteria and alleviate symptoms. The widespread usage of antibiotics in rosacea treatment is also attributed to their anti-inflammatory properties, which help in managing the persistent facial erythema associated with the condition. While the antibiotics segment has been a key player in addressing rosacea symptoms, ongoing research and development efforts focus on refining and innovating antibiotic-based treatments, further driving the demand for these solutions in the market.

By Geography, the North American Region is Attributed to the Largest Market Revenue
North American region is attributed to the largest market revenue due to the region's well-established healthcare infrastructure, advanced medical facilities, and increased awareness of dermatological conditions, including rosacea. There is an increasing prevalence of rosacea cases in the population, which has led to a heightened demand for effective treatments. Moreover, the high level of awareness among both healthcare professionals and the general public about the importance of skincare and the availability of various treatment options further fuels the demand for rosacea treatments. Additionally, North America has a robust pharmaceutical industry and a strong presence of key market players, contributing to the development and commercialization of innovative and advanced therapies for rosacea. The region's relatively higher healthcare expenditure and the willingness of individuals to invest in dermatological health also play a role in driving the demand for rosacea treatments in North America. Overall, a combination of factors, including healthcare infrastructure, awareness, industry innovation, and healthcare expenditure, contributes to the significant demand for rosacea treatments in the North American market.

Key Target Audience:
• Pharmaceutical Companies
• Dermatology Clinics and Specialists
• Research and Academic Institutions
• Health Insurance Providers
• Regulatory Authorities and Policymakers
• Investors and Financial Institutions
• Retail Pharmacies and Distributors

List of the Key Players Profiled in the Report Includes:
• Bayer AG
• Pfizer, Inc
• Mayne Pharma
• AbbVie Inc (Allergan Plc)
• Aclaris Therapeutics
• Bausch Health Companies, Inc
• Leo Pharma
• Nestlé Skin Health (Galderma S.A)
• Sol-Gel Technologies
• Zydus Group
• Foamix Pharmaceuticals
• Dermira

Recent Developments:
• In September 2023, Mayne Pharma Group Limited announced that one of its subsidiaries in the United States has entered into an asset purchase agreement to acquire the worldwide rights to RHOFADE® from Novan, Inc. and EPI Health, LLC. RHOFADE® (oxymetazoline hydrochloride) cream 1% is produced in accordance with NDA 208552 and is designated for the topical management of persistent facial erythema linked with rosacea in adults.
• In June 2023, Sol-Gel Technologies, Ltd partnered with Searchlight Pharma Inc to formalize the exclusive license agreements for TWYNEO and EPSOLAY, designed for the Canadian market. Sol-Gel developed these innovative dermatology products, both of which have recently been introduced in the U.S. The agreement entrusts Searchlight with the commercialization of TWYNEO and EPSOLAY in Canada, with the initial term spanning fifteen years, extendable for subsequent five-year periods.
Market Segmentation:
The research report includes in-depth coverage of the industry analysis with size, share, and forecast for the below segments:

Market by, Type:
• Erythematotelangiectatic Rosacea
• Ocular Rosacea
• Papulopustular Rosacea
• Phymatous Rosacea

Market by, Drug Class:
• Alpha Agonists
• Antibiotics
• Antihypertensive Agents
• Corticosteroids
• Immunosuppressants
• Retinoids
• Other Drug Classes

Market by, Mode of Administration:
• Oral
• Topical

Market by, Distribution Channel:
• Drug Stores
• E-commerce
• Hospital Pharmacy
• Retail Pharmacy

Market by, Geography:
The rosacea treatment market report also analyzes the major geographic regions and countries of the market. The regions and countries covered in the study include:
• North America (The United States, Canada, Mexico), Market Estimates, Forecast & Opportunity Analysis
• Europe (Germany, France, UK, Italy, Spain, Rest of Europe), Market Estimates, Forecast & Opportunity Analysis
• Asia Pacific (China, Japan, India, South Korea, Australia, New Zealand, Rest of Asia Pacific), Market Estimates, Forecast & Opportunity Analysis
• South America (Brazil, Argentina, Chile, Rest of South America), Market Estimates, Forecast & Opportunity Analysis
• Middle East & Africa (UAE, Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Iran, South Africa, Rest of Middle East & Africa), Market Estimates, Forecast & Opportunity Analysis

What Can be Explored with this Research Report:
• Understand the key trends that will drive the market and the challenges it faces in the current market scenario
• Identify growth opportunities
• Porter’s five force analysis
• In-depth analysis of market segments, and regions/countries predicted to observe promising growth
• Historical and forecast size of the market in terms of revenue (USD Million)
• Company profiling with key products and solution offerings, key financial information, SWOT analysis, and business strategies adopted


Table of Contents

1 Market Introduction
1.1 Market Definition
1.2 Research Scope and Segmentation
1.3 Stakeholders
1.4 List of Abbreviations

2 Executive Summary

3 Research Methodology

4 Market Dynamics
4.1 Market Drivers
4.2 Market Restraints
4.3 Market Opportunities
4.4 Market Challenges
4.5 Impact of COVID-19 on the Rosacea Treatment Market

5 Porter's Five Force Analysis
5.1 Bargaining Power of Suppliers
5.2 Bargaining Power of Buyers
5.3 Threat of New Entrants
5.4 Threat of Substitutes
5.5 Competitive Rivalry in the Market

6 Global Rosacea Treatment Market by, Type
6.1 Overview
6.2 Erythematotelangiectatic Rosacea
6.3 Ocular Rosacea
6.4 Papulopustular Rosacea
6.5 Phymatous Rosacea

7 Global Rosacea Treatment Market by, Drug Class
7.1 Overview
7.2 Alpha Agonists
7.3 Antibiotics
7.4 Antihypertensive Agents
7.5 Corticosteroids
7.6 Immunosuppressants
7.7 Retinoids
7.8 Other Drug Classes

8 Global Rosacea Treatment Market by, Mode of Administration
8.1 Overview
8.2 Oral
8.3 Topical

9 Global Rosacea Treatment Market by, Distribution Channel
9.1 Overview
9.2 Drug Stores
9.3 E-commerce
9.4 Hospital Pharmacy
9.5 Retail Pharmacy

10 Global Rosacea Treatment Market by, Geography
10.1 Overview
10.2 North America
10.2.1 US
10.2.2 Canada
10.2.3 Mexico
10.3 Europe
10.3.1 Germany
10.3.2 France
10.3.3 UK
10.3.4 Italy
10.3.5 Spain
10.3.6 Rest of Europe
10.4 Asia Pacific
10.4.1 China
10.4.2 Japan
10.4.3 India
10.4.4 South Korea
10.4.5 Australia
10.4.6 New Zealand
10.4.7 Rest of Asia Pacific
10.5 South America
10.5.1 Brazil
10.5.2 Argentina
10.5.3 Chile
10.5.4 Rest of South America
10.6 Middle East & Africa
10.6.1 UAE
10.6.2 Saudi Arabia
10.6.3 Qatar
10.6.4 Iran
10.6.5 South Africa
10.6.6 Rest of Middle East & Africa

11 Key Developments

12 Company Profiling
12.1 Bayer AG
12.1.1 Business Overview
12.1.2 Product/Service Offering
12.1.3 Financial Overview
12.1.4 SWOT Analysis
12.1.5 Key Activities
12.2 Pfizer, Inc
12.3 Mayne Pharma
12.4 AbbVie Inc (Allergan Plc)
12.5 Aclaris Therapeutics
12.6 Bausch Health Companies, Inc
12.7 Leo Pharma
12.8 Nestlé Skin Health (Galderma S.A)
12.9 Sol-Gel Technologies
12.10 Zydus Group
12.11 Foamix Pharmaceuticals
12.12 Dermira






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2025/02/21 10:27

150.86 円

158.69 円

193.74 円
