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162.47 円

175.74 円

209.86 円

ABI Research社 分類待ち カテゴリのレポート一覧

Smart Packaging Solutions and Technologies: Enabling the Next Level of Asset Visibility Innovation
価格 US$ 4,500 |  ABI Research | 2023年2月
実用的なメリット スマートパッケージングの普及を促進するセグメントを特定する。 スマートパッケージングに使用されるさまざまなタイプの技術の価値を理解する。 スマートパッケージングソリューションの主要な使用例と成長分野を特定する。 リサーチ…
Payment and Banking Card Technologies
価格 US$ 7,500 |  ABI Research | 2023年1月
実用的なメリット ユーロペイ、マスターカード、ビザ(EMV)カード市場全体と非接触型への移行に関連する最大の成長機会を特定し、より的確に狙いを定めることができます。 インド、米国、中南米を含む地域における非接触型システムへの移行に関する現在の市場ダ…
5G Core Market Status and Migration Analysis
価格 US$ 4,500 |  ABI Research | 2023年1月
実用的なメリット 5Gコア(5GC)に関連する商業的および技術的な課題を理解する。 5GCサプライヤーが5GCの構築と市場投入のためにとっている戦略的方向性を特定する。 通信サービスプロバイダ(CSP)が5GCの展開のためにとっている戦略について、より深く理解…
Asia-Pacific 5G-to-Business Developments and Outlook
価格 US$ 4,500 |  ABI Research | 2022年11月
実用的なメリット 7つの主要な企業分野での5GtoB(5GtoB)の進展と主要なユースケースを確認することができます。 アジア太平洋地域で5GtoBソリューションがどのように導入されているかを理解することができます。 アジア太平洋地域におけるプライベート5Gネ…
Network Technology and Market Tracker
価格 US$ 7,500 |  ABI Research | 2022年7月
実用的なメリット モバイルサービスの市場規模を把握し、5Gネットワークと製品展開の戦略を立てることができます。 国別分析で更新された契約数、トラフィック、CAPEX、サービス収益に基づいて5G戦略を策定する。 異なる市場における周波数の利用可…
Connected & Protected: The Vulnerabilities And Opportunities Of IoT Security
無料 |  ABI Research | 2021年4月
Today, there are 8.6 billion IoT connections. By 2026, that number will nearly triple to 23.6 billion, according to ABI Research market data. This exponential growth will usher in a new era of connectivity and productivity in the years ahead. However,…
28 Technology Companies to Watch in 2021
無料 |  ABI Research | 2021年2月
ABI Research analysts around the globe are constantly collecting data and information from providers, partners, and end users. We routinely publish Competitive Ranking reports, which offer comprehensive insight into different markets, assessing companies’…
Maximizing The Next Generation Of IoT Connectivity
無料 |  ABI Research | 2020年12月
Connectivity has always been at the core of Internet of Things (IoT) solutions. Whether tapping a local ethernet connection for Programmable Logic Controller (PLC) monitoring or deploying gateways and backhauling data over a cellular network, connectivi…
68 Technology Trends That Will Shape 2021
無料 |  ABI Research | 2020年12月
In preparing to turn the corner on one of the most tumultuous years we have ever seen, 2021 will require that organizations put a finger on what will stimulate market responses and what the fabric of those new paradigms will look like. There are several…
36 Transformative Technology Stats You Need To Know For 2021
無料 |  ABI Research | 2020年10月
As we are faced with global instability caused by the COVID-19 pandemic, the U.S. presidential election, Brexit, and global trade wars, numbers and big stats are often trumpeted, fixated upon, and largely used as a barometer to judge which way the world…
Satellite Backhaul – Maximizing Cellular Communication
無料 |  ABI Research | 2020年10月
The onset of 5G means that Communication Service Providers (CSPs) are coming under increasing pressure to: manage data and voice traffic loads; extend high-speed data coverage into mostly or completely rural communities; take on critical service provisi…
Teardowns Of New 5G Smartphones Confirm Benefits Of Integrated Radio System Design
無料 |  ABI Research | 2020年10月
As the smartphone market continues its speedy transition to 5G, it becomes increasingly obvious that the design of Radio Frequency (RF) systems and the choice of appropriate RF Front End (RFFE) components will become key for Original Equipment Manufactu…
Keeping The IoT Smart And Secure
無料 |  ABI Research | 2020年8月
By the end of 2020, there will be 1.91 billion Internet of Things connections. Securing these connections is becoming an increasingly challenging, and critical, function. That is why key IoT vendors are investing significant dollars and hours into resea…
Driving Innovation In The Mobile Cellular Antenna Market
無料 |  ABI Research | 2020年7月
The increasing number of 5G subscriptions and total subscriptions will continue to make greater demands on the operators’ networks. 5G subscriptions are forecast to reach 3 billion in 2025 from about 0.2 billion in 2020, representing a Compound An…
Augmented And Virtual Reality
無料 |  ABI Research | 2020年7月
この調査レポートは拡張現実と仮想現実について解説したABIリサーチの無料レポートです。 Over the past decade, the prevalence of new enabling technologies in numerous marketplaces has grown significantly. Any market examined will point to new applications …
Robotics And COVID-19: Challenges And Opportunities
無料 |  ABI Research | 2020年6月
Like many technologies, the path to rolling out robotics is being complicated by COVID-19. But more than any other technology, robotics developers have visibly demonstrated the value of more flexible automation to meet the enormous challenges being plac…
Cloud-Based AI In A Post-COVID-19 World
無料 |  ABI Research | 2020年5月
THE CRITICAL IMPORTANCE, KEY BENEFITS, AND MARKET OPPORTUNITIES OF CLOUD-BASED ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE The demand for cloud-based services has never been greater. While nearly half of the world’s population is in partial or full lockdown, people…
Taking Stock Of COVID-19
無料 |  ABI Research | 2020年3月
この調査レポートは新型コロナウイルス(COVID-19)の現況と今後起こりうる問題について考察しています。 THE SHORT- AND LONG-TERM RAMIFICATIONS ON TECHNOLOGY AND END MARKETS The COVID-19 pandemic is already reshaping the global economy, and it will certai…
CES 2020:33の重要ポイント(無料レポート)
33 Key Takeaways from CES 2020
無料 |  ABI Research | 2020年1月
CES 2020 was a curious event and somewhat symptomatic of the transitional period we are in as a technology industry. The furor that was built around significant “transformational” announcements at CES of previous years was in direct contr…
54 Technology Trends to Watch in 2020
無料 |  ABI Research | 2019年12月
After a tumultuous 2019 that was beset by many challenges, both integral to technology markets and derived from global market dynamics, 2020 looks set to be equally challenging. There are many positive signs that the external economy, driven by politica…
