インターネットの利用状況について世界的な統計数字の実態を把握することは常に有意義なことである。今月はその観点からすると恰好のデータがある。ドイツのBundesverband Digitale Wirtschaft (BVDW ) eV(www.bvdw.org)が細目に渡る興味深い統計数字を発表しているからである。
BVDWの報告書の題名は「ドイツの営利ウェブページについて(2004年)−BVDWによるEUのEuropean Multimedia Accelerator(EMMA)プロジェクトのための考察」と訳さる。またBVDWは「(ドイツ)連邦デジタル経済協会」という意味である。
ドイツの‘.de’というTLD(トップレベルドメイン)管理機構であるDENIC eGが発表した統計によると、.deドメインは普及型の.comに次いで2番目に利用が進んだグループである(右上のグラフ参照)。
このデータに意外性はあるか? 基準となるような枠組みが何もないため、ここでのデータは参考にこそするが、分析されるべきものではない。現段階では、単なるデータにすぎず、今後更なるデータの加工が待たれる。
BVDWは、ドイツの営利的なウェブサイトについての初の代理調査を発表した。以下のウェブサイトから無料でダウンロードできる:http://www.bvdw.org/de/data/pdf/studie_06.pdf 15000超のドメインが初めて分析されたものである。
(C) 2004 Telecommunication Ltd.
Telecommunication Briefing - German Internet Statistics
It is always good to see real world statistics on Internet use. This month is good in this respect as Germany's Bundesverband Digitale Wirtschaft (BVDW ) eV (www.bvdw.org), has published some detailed and interesting statistics.
The BVDW's report title translates as 'Commercial German Web Pages 2004 - An Investigation by the BVDW on Behalf of the European Union Project European Multimedia Accelerator (EMMA)', and BVDW translates as 'Federal Association (of the) Digital Economy'.
Before looking at the BVDW data, it is worth reviewing the significance of the suffix '.de'.
The German .de TLD (Top Level Domain) administrator, DENIC eG, has published statistics showing .de domains are the second largest group after the ubiquitous .com domains, as shown in the chart on the top right.
The DENIC data show the BVDW report is for the largest geographically determined TLD, suggesting the report is more significant than for a smaller TLD.
Business Dominance
Returning to the BVDW data, the bottom right chart shows that business websites dominate among active websites using the .de suffix.
The top left chart shows only the active website categories, with business sites representing 67% of the total. Sites under construction or not found have been excluded form this chart.
Revenue Generation
Removing websites under construction or not found leaves approximately 3.9 million sites, of which 14% - approximately half a million - are 'potentially revenue generating' sites, as shown in the pie chart on the right.
The expression 'potentially revenue generating' s used by the BVDW to mean that the website owners' intention is to generate revenue. The BVDW goes on to define revenue generating sites as online shops and sites financed by online advertising, and qualifies them by requiring email or fax contact options in addition to any web forms.
The bottom left chart segments by revenue generation category the half a million 'potentially revenue generating' .de websites.
The right hand chart segments by revenue generation category the half million 'potentially revenue generating' .de websites. At 40%, online shops are the single largest category.
Only about 9% of sales from .de online shops are destined for countries other than Germany.
Abut 75% of potentially revenue generating websites are created internally, with about 25% being produced by external parties.
The BVDW's statistics show that around half of the 'potentially revenue generating' websites (as defined above) have already achieved profitability, with breakeven occurring on average about thee years from inception. Online shops generally breakeven about a year earlier than advertising financed sites.
The statistics presented here are a rare insight into one country's Internet market.
Of course, the data does not cover business with web-based suppliers outside Germany, nor user trends, so does not give a 100% view of Internet commerce in Germany. However, the BVDW survey does cover export markets for German online shops, and also covers employment in Germany's Internet merchant sector, neither of which there is room for in this briefing.
Does any of the data cause surprise? In the absence of any frame of reference, the data can only be observed but not critically evaluated. At this stage, the data "just is".
While conclusions regarding countries other than Germany should not be drawn from this data, as more national surveys are undertaken and published, some generalised performance metrics could be developed to apply to other markets in various stages of development.
In the meantime, the BVDW data could form a valuable starting framework when analysing another country not too dissimilar to Germany.
Telecommunication would like to thank the companies that provided the statistics in this month's bulletin.
DENIC's legal form is that of a registered cooperative (that is what the two letters "eG" in its full name indicate). It was set up in December 1996 and it has its headquarters in Frankfurt am Main. Its membership is comprised of companies and institutions who administer domains for their customers and who feel an active commitment to providing, within the principles of self-regulation, a key service for the whole German Internet Community - namely, operation of the registry for the German Top Level Domain .de. DENIC is a non-profit body; it sees its mission as providing services impartially at cost price to everyone interested in the Internet in Germany. DENIC is not profit oriented; but rather sees itself as a neutral not-for-profit service provider for everyone with interest in the Internet in Germany. This duty is also enshrined in its statute as a central element and thus represents the foundation for all its activities.
For more see www.denic.de
The BVDW has published the first representative study of commercial German web pages, which can be downloaded free of charge from http://www.bvdw.org/de/data/pdf/studie_06.pdf. For the study, over 15,000 Domains were analysed for the first time.