
レグテック:コスト節約、技術の影響&ベンダ分析 2019-2024年

レグテック:コスト節約、技術の影響&ベンダ分析 2019-2024年


このレポートは世界のレグテックについて調査し、AIなどの先進技術が、どのように自動化や効率的な法令遵守システムの運営として使われていくか予測・分析しています。 5年市場予測 ... もっと見る



出版社 出版年月 電子版価格 納期 ページ数 言語
Juniper Research
2019年9月24日 GBP2,250
通常3-4営業日以内 82 英語





  • 世界の規制コンプライアンス支出
  • レグテックの総支出
  • 銀行で必要とされる本人確認義務(KYC)の年間総数
  • AIを利用した銀行向けKYCが行われた年間総数
  • AIを利用した銀行向けKYCの年間削減時間
  • 銀行向けKYCにAIを利用した場合の年間削減コスト
  • AIを利用した不動産向けKYCが行われた年間総数
  • 不動産向けKYCにAIを利用した場合の年間削減コスト


OverviewJuniper Research has thoroughly assessed the Regtech market landscape; delivering a must-read report for industry stakeholders wishing to understand this dynamic growth area and its implications.

Readers will find an in-depth analysis of the current level of progress in regtech adoption, as well as an impact assessment assessing the potential of individual regtech technologies. This is coupled with benchmark industry forecasts, relevant to stakeholders throughout the market.

The research suite includes:
  1. Market Trends & Opportunities: Key trends analysis, allied to strategic recommendations on market opportunities for vendors across the regtech market.
  2. Strategic Analysis: Regtech regional and segment analysis, coupled with Juniper Research’s Leaderboard assessment for 15 leading vendors.
  3. Interactive Forecast Excel: Highly granular dataset comprising more than 6,042 datapoints, allied to regional and sector analysis tools; providing 5-year forecasts for:
    1. Global Regulatory Compliance Spending
    2. Total Regtech Spending
    3. Total Number of KYC for Banking Checks Required Per Annum
    4. Total Number of KYC Checks for Banking Carried Out by AI Per Annum
    5. Total Time Saving from Carrying Out Banking KYC Checks with AI Systems
    6. Total Cost Saving from Utilising AI for Banking KYC Checks
    7. Total Number of KYC Checks Carried Out for Property Sales per Annum
    8. Total Number of KYC Checks for Property Sales Carried Out by AI Per Annum
    9. Total Cost Saving from Utilising AI to Carry Out Property Sale KYC Checks Per Annum
8 Key Regions - includes North America, Latin America, West Europe, Central & East Europe, Far East & China, Indian Subcontinent, Rest of Asia Pacific and Africa & Middle East
Canada, France, Germany, UK, USA




Table of Contents

1. Key Takeaways & Strategic Recommendations

1.1 Key Takeaways . 5
Figure 1.1: Regtech Market Summary, 2024. 6
1.2 Strategic Recommendations . 6

2. Regtech Market Landscape

2.1 Introduction . 9
Figure 2.1: Global Spend on Regulatory Compliance ($m) 2016-2024. 9
Figure 2.2: The Costs of Compliance . 10
2.2 Regulatory Framework . 11
2.2.1 General Framework . 11
i. Basel III . 11
Figure 2.3: Basel III Regulations . 12
ii. Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act 2010. 12
iii. Solvency II . 12
Figure 2.4: International Regulatory Framework . 13
2.2.2 Regulatory Requirements . 13
i. KYC/AML . 13
Figure 2.5: KYC Process for Account Initiation . 14
ii. Regulatory Reporting . 15
iii. Risk Management . 15
iv. Compliance/Behaviour Management . 15
v. Transaction Management . 16
vi. Fraud Prevention . 16
2.2.3 Country Level Regulatory Frameworks . 16
i. US . 16
Table 2.6: Dodd-Frank Revised Rule . 17
Figure 2.7: US Regulatory Framework . 17
ii. Canada . 19
iii. UK . 20
Figure 2.8: Fines Imposed by the FCA, 2014-2019 . 21
iv. Germany . 23
v. China . 23
Figure 2.9: Comparative GDP Growth in China, Japan, South Korea & World, (%), 2010-2018 . 24
vi. Japan . 25
2.3 Regtech Investment Landscape . 26
Table 2.10: Significant Regtech Investments in 2018 . 27
2.3.1 Investment Trends . 27
Figure 2.11: Global Private Investment in Regtech . 27

3. Regtech Ecosystem Analysis & Impact Assessment

3.1 Regtech Technological Approaches . 30
Figure 3.1: Technological Ecosystem for Regtech. 30
Figure 3.2: Top 5 Technologies Employed in Regtech Offerings . 30
3.2 Regtech Impact Assessment . 31
3.2.1 Summary . 31
Table 3.3: Regtech Impact Assessment . 31
Table 3.4: Regtech Impact Assessment Heatmap Key . 31
3.2.2 Regtech Impact Assessment Methodology. 32
Table 3.5: Impact Assessment Methodology. 32
3.3 Individual Technology Analysis . 33
3.3.1 Big Data Analytics . 33
i. Approach Assessment . 33
Case Study: KYC3. 34
3.3.2 Cloud Computing . 34
i. Approach Assessment . 34
3.3.3 AI . 35
i. AI for Transaction Monitoring . 35
ii. AI Behavioural Monitoring . 36
iii. AI for KYC/AML Checks . 36
Case Study: Droit . 37
iv. AI as a Regulation Compliance Tool . 37
v. Approach Assessment . 37
3.3.4 Blockchain . 38
i. Blockchain for KYC . 38
ii. Blockchain for GRC (Governance, Risk, Compliance) . 39
iii. Approach Assessment . 39
3.3.5 Biometrics . 40
Figure 3.6: Total Smartphones Featuring Biometrics (m), 2015-2019 . 41
i. Approach Assessment . 41
3.3.6 Chatbots . 41
i. Approach Assessment . 42
3.3.7 Conclusion . 42
3.4 Regtech Sectors . 42
3.4.1 Regtech for Banks . 42
Figure 3.7: Number of Regulations Applicable per Industry, Selected NAIC Sectors, US, 2017 . 42
3.4.2 Regtech for Insurers . 43
3.4.3 Regtech for Non-FIs . 43
3.5 Regtech Business Models . 43
3.5.1 Partnership with FIs . 43
i. Approach Assessment . 43
3.5.2 Single Product Focus . 44
i. Approach Assessment . 44
3.5.3 Broad Product Range/Appeal . 44
i. Approach Assessment . 44

4. Regtech Competitive Landscape & Leaderboard

4.1 Vendor Analysis & Leaderboard . 46
4.1.1 Introduction . 46
4.1.2 Stakeholder Assessment Criteria . 46
Table 4.1: Regtech Player Capability Criteria . 47
Figure 4.2: Regtech Vendor Leaderboard . 48
Table 4.3: Regtech Leaderboard Scoring . 49
4.1.3 Limitations & Interpretation . 50
4.2 Regtech Player Commentary . 51
4.2.1 Established Leaders . 51
4.2.2 Leading Challengers . 56
4.2.3 Disruptors & Emulators. 61

5. Regtech Market Forecasts

5.1 Introduction . 69
5.2 Methodology & Assumptions . 69
Figure 5.1: Global Regtech Forecast Methodology . 70
Figure 5.2: KYC Validation in Banking Forecast Methodology . 71
Figure 5.3: KYC Validation for Property Sales Forecast Methodology . 72
5.3 Global Regulatory Compliance Forecasts. 73
5.3.1 Global Regulatory Compliance Spending . 73
Figure & Table 5.4: Global Spend on Regulatory Compliance ($m), Split by 8 Key
Regions 2019-2024 . 73
5.3.2 Total Regtech Spending Forecast . 74
Figure & Table 5.5: Total Spending Attributable to Regtech ($m), Split by 8 Key
Regions 2019-2024 . 74
5.4 KYC Checks for Banking Forecasts . 75
5.4.1 Total Number of KYC Checks Required for Banking Per Annum. 75
Figure & Table 5.6: Total KYC Checks Required for New Account Opening Per
Annum (m), Spilt by 8 Key Regions 2019-2024 . 75
5.4.2 Total Number of KYC Checks for Banking Carried Out by AI Per Annum . 76
Figure & Table 5.7: Total Number of KYC Checks for Banking Carried Out by AI
Systems (m), Split by 8 Key Regions 2019-2024 . 76
5.4.3 Total Time Saving from Carrying Out Banking KYC Checks with AI Systems . 77
Figure & Table 5.8: Total Time Saving on Banking KYC Checks Utilising AI
Systems (Million Hours), Split by 8 Key Regions 2019-2024 . 77
5.4.4 Total Cost Saving from Utilising AI for Banking KYC Checks . 78
Figure & Table 5.9: Total Cost Saving on KYC Checks Utilising AI Systems ($m),
Split by 8 Key Regions 2019-2024 . 78
5.5 KYC Checks for Property Forecasts . 79
5.5.1 Total Number of KYC Checks Carried Out for Property Sales per Annum . 79
Figure & Table 5.10: Total Number of KYC Checks Carried Out for Property Sales
(m), Split by 8 Key Regions 2019-2024 . 79
5.5.2 Total Number of KYC Checks for Property Sales Carried Out by AI Per Annum . 80
Figure & Table 5.11: Total Number of KYC Checks for Property Sales Carried Out
by AI (m), Split by 8 Key Regions 2019-2024 . 80
5.5.3 Total Time Saving from Carrying out Property Sale KYC
Checks with AI Systems Per Annum . 81
Figure & Table 5.12: Total Time Saving on KYC Checks for Property Sales
Utilising AI Systems (Million Hours), Split by 8 Key Regions 2019-2024 . 81
5.5.4 Total Cost Saving from Utilising AI to Carry Out Property Sale
KYC Checks Per Annum . 82
Figure & Table 5.13: Total Cost Saving on KYC Checks for Property Sales
Utilising AI Systems ($m), Split by 8 Key Regions 2019-2024 . 82







  • 世界の規制コンプライアンス支出
  • レグテックの総支出
  • 銀行で必要とされる本人確認義務(KYC)の年間総数
  • AIを利用した銀行向けKYCが行われた年間総数
  • AIを利用した銀行向けKYCの年間削減時間
  • 銀行向けKYCにAIを利用した場合の年間削減コスト
  • AIを利用した不動産向けKYCが行われた年間総数
  • 不動産向けKYCにAIを利用した場合の年間削減コスト


OverviewJuniper Research has thoroughly assessed the Regtech market landscape; delivering a must-read report for industry stakeholders wishing to understand this dynamic growth area and its implications.

Readers will find an in-depth analysis of the current level of progress in regtech adoption, as well as an impact assessment assessing the potential of individual regtech technologies. This is coupled with benchmark industry forecasts, relevant to stakeholders throughout the market.

The research suite includes:
  1. Market Trends & Opportunities: Key trends analysis, allied to strategic recommendations on market opportunities for vendors across the regtech market.
  2. Strategic Analysis: Regtech regional and segment analysis, coupled with Juniper Research’s Leaderboard assessment for 15 leading vendors.
  3. Interactive Forecast Excel: Highly granular dataset comprising more than 6,042 datapoints, allied to regional and sector analysis tools; providing 5-year forecasts for:
    1. Global Regulatory Compliance Spending
    2. Total Regtech Spending
    3. Total Number of KYC for Banking Checks Required Per Annum
    4. Total Number of KYC Checks for Banking Carried Out by AI Per Annum
    5. Total Time Saving from Carrying Out Banking KYC Checks with AI Systems
    6. Total Cost Saving from Utilising AI for Banking KYC Checks
    7. Total Number of KYC Checks Carried Out for Property Sales per Annum
    8. Total Number of KYC Checks for Property Sales Carried Out by AI Per Annum
    9. Total Cost Saving from Utilising AI to Carry Out Property Sale KYC Checks Per Annum
8 Key Regions - includes North America, Latin America, West Europe, Central & East Europe, Far East & China, Indian Subcontinent, Rest of Asia Pacific and Africa & Middle East
Canada, France, Germany, UK, USA



Table of Contents

Table of Contents

1. Key Takeaways & Strategic Recommendations

1.1 Key Takeaways . 5
Figure 1.1: Regtech Market Summary, 2024. 6
1.2 Strategic Recommendations . 6

2. Regtech Market Landscape

2.1 Introduction . 9
Figure 2.1: Global Spend on Regulatory Compliance ($m) 2016-2024. 9
Figure 2.2: The Costs of Compliance . 10
2.2 Regulatory Framework . 11
2.2.1 General Framework . 11
i. Basel III . 11
Figure 2.3: Basel III Regulations . 12
ii. Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act 2010. 12
iii. Solvency II . 12
Figure 2.4: International Regulatory Framework . 13
2.2.2 Regulatory Requirements . 13
i. KYC/AML . 13
Figure 2.5: KYC Process for Account Initiation . 14
ii. Regulatory Reporting . 15
iii. Risk Management . 15
iv. Compliance/Behaviour Management . 15
v. Transaction Management . 16
vi. Fraud Prevention . 16
2.2.3 Country Level Regulatory Frameworks . 16
i. US . 16
Table 2.6: Dodd-Frank Revised Rule . 17
Figure 2.7: US Regulatory Framework . 17
ii. Canada . 19
iii. UK . 20
Figure 2.8: Fines Imposed by the FCA, 2014-2019 . 21
iv. Germany . 23
v. China . 23
Figure 2.9: Comparative GDP Growth in China, Japan, South Korea & World, (%), 2010-2018 . 24
vi. Japan . 25
2.3 Regtech Investment Landscape . 26
Table 2.10: Significant Regtech Investments in 2018 . 27
2.3.1 Investment Trends . 27
Figure 2.11: Global Private Investment in Regtech . 27

3. Regtech Ecosystem Analysis & Impact Assessment

3.1 Regtech Technological Approaches . 30
Figure 3.1: Technological Ecosystem for Regtech. 30
Figure 3.2: Top 5 Technologies Employed in Regtech Offerings . 30
3.2 Regtech Impact Assessment . 31
3.2.1 Summary . 31
Table 3.3: Regtech Impact Assessment . 31
Table 3.4: Regtech Impact Assessment Heatmap Key . 31
3.2.2 Regtech Impact Assessment Methodology. 32
Table 3.5: Impact Assessment Methodology. 32
3.3 Individual Technology Analysis . 33
3.3.1 Big Data Analytics . 33
i. Approach Assessment . 33
Case Study: KYC3. 34
3.3.2 Cloud Computing . 34
i. Approach Assessment . 34
3.3.3 AI . 35
i. AI for Transaction Monitoring . 35
ii. AI Behavioural Monitoring . 36
iii. AI for KYC/AML Checks . 36
Case Study: Droit . 37
iv. AI as a Regulation Compliance Tool . 37
v. Approach Assessment . 37
3.3.4 Blockchain . 38
i. Blockchain for KYC . 38
ii. Blockchain for GRC (Governance, Risk, Compliance) . 39
iii. Approach Assessment . 39
3.3.5 Biometrics . 40
Figure 3.6: Total Smartphones Featuring Biometrics (m), 2015-2019 . 41
i. Approach Assessment . 41
3.3.6 Chatbots . 41
i. Approach Assessment . 42
3.3.7 Conclusion . 42
3.4 Regtech Sectors . 42
3.4.1 Regtech for Banks . 42
Figure 3.7: Number of Regulations Applicable per Industry, Selected NAIC Sectors, US, 2017 . 42
3.4.2 Regtech for Insurers . 43
3.4.3 Regtech for Non-FIs . 43
3.5 Regtech Business Models . 43
3.5.1 Partnership with FIs . 43
i. Approach Assessment . 43
3.5.2 Single Product Focus . 44
i. Approach Assessment . 44
3.5.3 Broad Product Range/Appeal . 44
i. Approach Assessment . 44

4. Regtech Competitive Landscape & Leaderboard

4.1 Vendor Analysis & Leaderboard . 46
4.1.1 Introduction . 46
4.1.2 Stakeholder Assessment Criteria . 46
Table 4.1: Regtech Player Capability Criteria . 47
Figure 4.2: Regtech Vendor Leaderboard . 48
Table 4.3: Regtech Leaderboard Scoring . 49
4.1.3 Limitations & Interpretation . 50
4.2 Regtech Player Commentary . 51
4.2.1 Established Leaders . 51
4.2.2 Leading Challengers . 56
4.2.3 Disruptors & Emulators. 61

5. Regtech Market Forecasts

5.1 Introduction . 69
5.2 Methodology & Assumptions . 69
Figure 5.1: Global Regtech Forecast Methodology . 70
Figure 5.2: KYC Validation in Banking Forecast Methodology . 71
Figure 5.3: KYC Validation for Property Sales Forecast Methodology . 72
5.3 Global Regulatory Compliance Forecasts. 73
5.3.1 Global Regulatory Compliance Spending . 73
Figure & Table 5.4: Global Spend on Regulatory Compliance ($m), Split by 8 Key
Regions 2019-2024 . 73
5.3.2 Total Regtech Spending Forecast . 74
Figure & Table 5.5: Total Spending Attributable to Regtech ($m), Split by 8 Key
Regions 2019-2024 . 74
5.4 KYC Checks for Banking Forecasts . 75
5.4.1 Total Number of KYC Checks Required for Banking Per Annum. 75
Figure & Table 5.6: Total KYC Checks Required for New Account Opening Per
Annum (m), Spilt by 8 Key Regions 2019-2024 . 75
5.4.2 Total Number of KYC Checks for Banking Carried Out by AI Per Annum . 76
Figure & Table 5.7: Total Number of KYC Checks for Banking Carried Out by AI
Systems (m), Split by 8 Key Regions 2019-2024 . 76
5.4.3 Total Time Saving from Carrying Out Banking KYC Checks with AI Systems . 77
Figure & Table 5.8: Total Time Saving on Banking KYC Checks Utilising AI
Systems (Million Hours), Split by 8 Key Regions 2019-2024 . 77
5.4.4 Total Cost Saving from Utilising AI for Banking KYC Checks . 78
Figure & Table 5.9: Total Cost Saving on KYC Checks Utilising AI Systems ($m),
Split by 8 Key Regions 2019-2024 . 78
5.5 KYC Checks for Property Forecasts . 79
5.5.1 Total Number of KYC Checks Carried Out for Property Sales per Annum . 79
Figure & Table 5.10: Total Number of KYC Checks Carried Out for Property Sales
(m), Split by 8 Key Regions 2019-2024 . 79
5.5.2 Total Number of KYC Checks for Property Sales Carried Out by AI Per Annum . 80
Figure & Table 5.11: Total Number of KYC Checks for Property Sales Carried Out
by AI (m), Split by 8 Key Regions 2019-2024 . 80
5.5.3 Total Time Saving from Carrying out Property Sale KYC
Checks with AI Systems Per Annum . 81
Figure & Table 5.12: Total Time Saving on KYC Checks for Property Sales
Utilising AI Systems (Million Hours), Split by 8 Key Regions 2019-2024 . 81
5.5.4 Total Cost Saving from Utilising AI to Carry Out Property Sale
KYC Checks Per Annum . 82
Figure & Table 5.13: Total Cost Saving on KYC Checks for Property Sales
Utilising AI Systems ($m), Split by 8 Key Regions 2019-2024 . 82






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