
土地登記と資産管理におけるブロックチェーン:市場機会、課題&予測 2019-2030年

土地登記と資産管理におけるブロックチェーン:市場機会、課題&予測 2019-2030年

Blockchain for Land Registry & Asset Tracking

このレポートは土地登記や資産管理(アセットトラッキング)で利用されるブロックチェーンの技術的、ビジネス的な展開を分析し、詳細な予測を行っています。また主要企業の戦略を、展望評価を行って... もっと見る



出版社 出版年月 電子版価格 納期 ページ数 言語
Juniper Research
2019年3月20日 GBP2,990
通常3-4営業日以内 82 英語





Juniper’s new and expansive Blockchain research discusses the disruptive potential of this far-reaching technology on every arena of society. In particular, the research analyses the opportunities and future of the technology providing a comprehensive analysis of the sector in 2 key areas:

  • Land Registry
  • Asset Tracking
Readers will be presented with an extensive view of technological and business developments in the blockchain space for land registry and asset tracking, along with in-depth forecasts across a variety of metrics. The report also examines strategies used by key players in these areas and assesses their prospects in both sectors.

This research suite comprises:
  • Market Trends & Opportunities (PDF)
  • Up to 12-Year Market Sizing & Forecast Spreadsheet (Excel)
  • 12 Months' Access to harvest Online Data Platform

Key Features

  • Technological Evaluation: Assessment of the current state of blockchain for land registry and asset tracking processes; detailing trends and prospects for the future development of both sectors.
  • Market Vertical Analysis: Strategic evaluation of established and emerging market verticals in the blockchain space, and what this means for the future shape of the sector.
  • Juniper Leaderboard: Positioning and strategic evaluation of 15 key players in the blockchain market including:
    • Accenture
    • Applied Blockchain
    • Bitfury
    • ChromaWay
    • Deloitte
    • Digital Asset
    • Factom
    • Guardtime
    • IBM
    • Infosys Finacle
    • Microsoft
    • NEM
    • Oracle
    • R3
    • SAP
  • Juniper Innovation Index: Positioning & strategic evaluation of 17 key players in the blockchain market including:
    • Applied Blockchain
    • BitFury
    • BlockVerify
    • ChromaWay
    • Digital Asset
    • Gemalto
    • IBM
    • KPMG
    • NEM
    • Oracle
    • Propy
    • Provenance
    • Publica
    • PwC
    • R3
    • SAP
    • Ubitquity
  • Benchmark Industry Forecasts: Market segment forecasts for blockchain technology platform spend and cost savings, split by:
    • Land registry
    • Asset tracking

Key Questions

  1. What impact will blockchain have in the land registry and asset tracking sectors? 
  2. Who are the main blockchain players and how do they position themselves in the market?
  3. What revenues will blockchain technology vendors generate from asset tracking throughout the forecast period?
  4. How much are countries investing in blockchain for land registry throughout the forecast period?
  5. What savings will blockchain enable in the land registry and asset tracking sectors throughout the forecast period?

Companies Referenced

Case Studied: HM Land Registry, Lantmäteriet, Provenance
Included in Innovation Index: Applied Blockchain, BitFury, BlockVerify, ChromaWay, Digital Asset, Gemalto, IBM, KPMG, NEM, Oracle, Propy, Provenance, Publica, PwC, R3, SAP, Ubitquity.
Included in Juniper Leaderboard: Accenture, Applied Blockchain, Bitfury, ChromaWay, Deloitte, Digital Asset, Factom, Guardtime, IBM, Infosys Finacle, Microsoft, NEM, Oracle, R3, SAP.
Mentioned: 2 Sisters Food Group, Aion Networks, Aldi, Alibaba, Amazon, Ambrosus, Apis Capital Management, ASCAP (American Society for Composers, Authors and Publishers), Atlantis Group, Bank of Montreal, Barclays, Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center, Blockchain in Transport Alliance, Blockchain Learning Group, Blockscale Solutions, BMW, Bosch, BP, Broadridge, Bureau of Survey and Mapping, CaixaBank, Cambridge Innovation Center, Cargo Community Network, Carrefour, Cartório de Registro de Imóveis (Real Estate Registry Office), Central Reserve, Centre for Counter Fraud Studies, ColliderX, Comigel, Commerzbank, Commons Foundation, Consesys, Co-operative Group, Daimler, Department of Health and Human Services, Deutsche Bank, Dole, Driscoll’s, DTRules, EDF Luminus, EDRID (United Depository of Intellectual Property Products), Elevence, Emirates NBD, Enel SpA, Eni Trading & Shipping, Enterprise Ethereum Alliance, Erste Group, Everledger, Farmdrop, Findus, Food and Agriculture Organisation, Ford, Freepoint, FSA (Food Safety Authority), Gazprom Marketing & Trading, Gem, General Motors, Georgian National Agency of Public Registry, GIA (Gemological Institute of America), Golden State Foods, Green Assets Wallets, Hashed Health, HS Property Group, HSBC, Hyperledger, Iberdrola, ICAP, ICICI, III (Insurers’ Information Institute), Intel, Interbit,, JP Morgan, Kairos Future, Kaiser Permanente, KBC, Kellogg, Kimberly-Clark, KlickEx Group, KLM, Kroger, Landshypotek Bank, Law Commission for England and Wales, LO3 Energy, Maersk, MBA (Mortgage Brokers' Association), McCormick and Company, McLane Company, MDW (Medical Diagnostic Web), Mediaocean, Mercuria, Metaco, Methods, MIT Media Lab, MOBI (Mobility Open Blockchain Initiative), Modum, Morgan James Publishing, MUSO, Natais, National Council of Clerks and Commercial Courts, National Food Crime Unit, Natixis, Nestlé, NHS (National Health Service), NIAP (National Information Assurance Partnership), Nuggets, Oaken, Ordnance Survey, Overstock, Petroineos, Pfizer, PKF Littlejohn, PokitDok, Ponton, Porsche, Prebon Yamane, Primrose’s Kitchen, PRS for Music, Rabobank, Rakuten, Renault, Resonate, RWE AG, SACEM (Society of Authors, Composers and Publishers of Music), SBAB Bank, Shell, Siemens, SITA, Societe Generale, Soil Association, Starbucks, Stellar, STMS, Tata Consultancy Services, Telia, Tesco, Texas Bitcoin Conference, The Linux Foundation, The People’s Supermarket, Tideford Organic, Total, Toyota, Tsinghua University, Tyson Foods, UBS, UN, Unicredit, Unilever, Vattenfall, Vodii, Walmart, WHO (World Health Organisation), Wien Energy, World Bank, XAIN, Yamada Denki, ZF.

Data & Interactive Forecast

The Blockchain forecast suite includes:
  • Market data splits for 8 key regions and country level forecasts for:
    • Canada
    • China
    • Denmark
    • Germany
    • Japan
    • Norway
    • Portugal
    • Spain
    • Sweden
    • UK
    • US
  • Segment splits by:
    • Land registry (savings and platform revenues forecasts)
    • Asset tracking (documentary compliance forecast, fraud reduction forecast and country spending forecasts)
  • What-If Analysis tool allowing user the ability to manipulate Juniper’s data for 3 different metrics.
  • Access to the full set of forecast data of more than 32 tables and over 4,000 datapoints.
Juniper Research’s highly granular Interactive Excels (IFxls) enable clients to manipulate Juniper’s forecast data and charts to test their own assumptions using the Interactive Scenario Tool; and compare select markets side by side in customised charts and tables. IFxls greatly increase clients’ ability to both understand a particular market and to integrate their own views into the model.
8 Key Regions - includes North America, Latin America, West Europe, Central & East Europe, Far East & China, Indian Subcontinent, Rest of Asia Pacific and Africa & Middle East
Canada, China, Denmark, Germany, Japan, Norway, Portugal, Spain, Sweden, UK, USA




Table of Contetns

1. Key Takeaways & Recommendations

1.1 Introduction . 5
1.2 Key Takeaways & Recommendations. 5

2. Land Registry

2.1 Introduction . 8
2.2 Key Benefits . 8
2.2.1 Reduced Dependence on Analog Systems . 8
2.2.2 Provision of an Inviolable Record & Reduced Fraud . 9
2.2.3 First Time Inclusion . 9
Case Study: Lantmateriat . 9
2.3 Blockchain in Land Registry. 11
2.3.1 VC Investment . 11
Figure 2.1: Top 50 VCs Total Blockchain Investments by Year, ($m), 2011-
2018 . 11
2.3.2 The Rise of The ICO . 12
Figure 2.2: Number of ICOs Launched, 2017-2018 . 12
Figure 2.3: Blockchain Company Cumulative Funding, ICO vs VC, ($ billion)
2017-2018 . 12
2.3.3 Global Testbeds & Vendors . 13
Figure 2.4: Countries Involved in Blockchain Land Registry Processes, 2019 . 13
Case Study: HM Land Registry & Digital Street . 15
2.4 Is Blockchain the Future of Land Registry? . 15
2.4.1 An Increased Interest in Blockchain . 15
Figure 2.5: Government Representatives’ Views on Blockchain, IBM Survey
Findings 2017 . 15
2.4.2 Slow Bureaucracy . 16
Figure 2.6: Current Project Status of Smart Contracts, UK Law Commission,
2018 . 16
2.4.3 Data Issues . 16
2.4.4 Digital Rather than Blockchain Technology . 17
2.4.5 Job Destruction . 17
2.4.6 High Price Tag . 17

3. Asset Tracking

3.1 Introduction . 19
Figure 3.1: Advantages of Blockchain for Asset Tracking . 19
3.2 Examples of Assets Tracked on Blockchain . 19
3.2.1 Diamonds . 19
Figure 3.2: Diamond Industry Snapshot . 19
3.2.2 Food Provenance . 20
Figure 3.3: Food Production: Ethics, Illness & Wastage . 21
Case Study: Provenance . 23
Figure 3.4: Provenance Ecosystem . 24
3.2.3 Automotive . 24
Figure 3.5: Timeline of Toyota’s Blockchain Involvement, 2016-2019 . 24
3.2.4 Content Management . 26
3.2.5 Utilities . 26
i. Microgrids . 27
ii. Energy Trading . 27
Figure 3.6: Timeline of Wien Energy’s blockchain involvement . 28
3.2.6 Healthcare. 28
3.2.7 Blockchain & IoT in Supply Chain Management. 30
Figure 3.7: Advantages of Using Blockchain in IoT Environments . 30
3.2.8 Asset Tracking Processes Impact Analysis . 31
Tables 3.8 & 3.9: Traditional & Blockchain-powered Asset Tracking Processes
Assessment Factors & Impact Analysis Heatmap . 32
3.3 The Future of Blockchain in Asset Tracking . 33
3.3.1 A Roadmap for the Future. 33
Figure 3.10: Juniper Roadmap for Blockchain Adoption in Asset Tracking
Processes . 33
3.3.2 Limitations & Challenges . 33
3.3.3 The Tokenisation of Assets . 34
Figure 3.11: Tokenisation of Assets Process, Simplified Version . 34

4. Competitive Landscape, Innovation Index & Leaderboard

4.1 Juniper Blockchain Innovation Index . 36
4.1.1 Criteria for Innovation Index & Limitations . 36
4.1.2 Conclusions . 39
4.2 Juniper Leaderboard . 40
4.2.1 Vendor Assessment Criteria & Limitations . 41
i. Vendor Assessment Criteria . 41
Table 4.4: Blockchain Vendor Capability Assessment Factors . 42
ii. Limitations & Interpretation. 43
iii. Findings . 44
Table 4.5: Juniper Blockchain Leaderboard Scoring Heatmap . 44
Figure 4.6: Juniper Blockchain Leaderboard 2019 . 45
4.2.2 Conclusions . 46
i. Established Leaders . 46
ii. Leading Challengers. 46
iii. Disruptors & Emulators . 47
4.3 Blockchain Industry Movers & Shakers 2019 . 48
4.4 Vendor Profiles . 50
4.4.1 Accenture . 50
4.4.2 Applied Blockchain . 50
4.4.3 Bitfury . 51
4.4.4 ChromaWay . 52
4.4.5 Deloitte . 52
4.4.6 Digital Asset . 53
4.4.7 Factom . 54
4.4.8 Guardtime . 54
4.4.9 IBM . 55
4.4.10 Infosys Finacle (EdgeVerve Systems) . 57
4.4.11 Microsoft . 59
4.4.12 NEM . 60
4.4.13 Oracle . 61
4.4.14 R3 . 61
4.4.15 SAP . 62

5. Blockchain Land Registry & Asset Tracking Market Forecasts

5.1 Land Registry Forecasts . 65
5.1.1 Introduction . 65
5.1.2 Savings Forecast: Reduction in Legal Fees & Registration Costs . 65
i. Methodology . 65
Figure 5.1: Percentage of Property Sale Price Accounted for by Registration &
Legal Fees (%), 2018, Split by 8 Key Regions . 65
Figure 5.2: Proportion of Property Transactions Recorded on Blockchain (%), 2021-2030 . 66
Figure 5.3: Average Savings Realised per Property Registered on Blockchain ($) 2026-2030 . 66
Figure 5.4: Methodology for Blockchain Consumer Land Registry Savings . 67
ii. Consumer Savings Forecast . 68
Figure & Table 5.5: Total Consumer Savings Realised per annum via Blockchain
Land Registry Deployments ($m), 2025-2030 . 68
iii. Smart Contracts: Additional Savings . 68
5.1.3 Blockchain Country Spending Forecast. 69
i. Methodology . 69
Figure 5.6: Methodology for Blockchain Country Spending . 70
ii. Blockchain Country Spending Forecast . 71
Figure & Table 5.7: Countries Spending per annum for Blockchain Land Registry
Deployments ($m), Split by 8 Key Regions, 2018-2023 . 71
5.2 Asset Tracking Forecasts . 73
5.2.1 Documentary Compliance Forecast . 73
i. Methodology: Introduction & Assumptions . 73
Figure 5.8: Leading Exporters of Food/Agricultural Products, ($bn) 2018 . 73
Figure 5.9: Documentary Compliance Cost per Container, Selected Markets, ($) 2018 . 73
Figure 5.10: Documentary Compliance Costs as Proportion of Food Export Value,
(%) By Region, 2018 . 74
ii. Savings Forecast: How Much Can Blockchain Reduce Compliance Costs? . 74
Figure 5.11: Proportion of Food Exports Tracked on Blockchain, (%) 2021-2030 74
Figure 5.12: Methodology for Blockchain Food Export Compliance & Fraud Savings . 75
iii. Value of Food Exports Tracked via Blockchain Forecast. 76
Figure & Table 5.13: Value of Food Exports Tracked via Blockchain ($m), Split by
8 Key Regions, 2021-2030 . 76
iv. Food Documentation Compliance Cost Savings Forecast . 77
Figure & Table 5.14: Reduction in Food Documentation Compliance Costs
Achievable via Blockchain Per Annum ($m), 2021-2030 . 77
5.2.2 Fraud Reduction Forecasts: Food Provenance . 78
i. Methodology: Savings from Fraud Reduction . 78
Figure 5.15: Global Food Export Fraud, Percentage by Region, 2018 ($51.5 billion) . 78
ii. Fraud Reduction Forecast . 79
Figure & Table 5.16: Food Exports, Annual Fraud Reduction via Blockchain ($m) 2021-2030 . 79
5.2.3 Wastage & Illness: Additional Savings . 80
5.2.4 Platform Revenues Forecasts . 80
i. Methodology . 80
Figure 5.17: Methodology for Blockchain Platform Revenues . 81
ii. Platform Revenues Forecasts . 82
Figure & Table 5.18: Total Platform Revenues per annum for Asset Tracking
Deployments ($m), Split by 8 Key Regions, 2018-2023. 82







Juniper’s new and expansive Blockchain research discusses the disruptive potential of this far-reaching technology on every arena of society. In particular, the research analyses the opportunities and future of the technology providing a comprehensive analysis of the sector in 2 key areas:

  • Land Registry
  • Asset Tracking
Readers will be presented with an extensive view of technological and business developments in the blockchain space for land registry and asset tracking, along with in-depth forecasts across a variety of metrics. The report also examines strategies used by key players in these areas and assesses their prospects in both sectors.

This research suite comprises:
  • Market Trends & Opportunities (PDF)
  • Up to 12-Year Market Sizing & Forecast Spreadsheet (Excel)
  • 12 Months' Access to harvest Online Data Platform

Key Features

  • Technological Evaluation: Assessment of the current state of blockchain for land registry and asset tracking processes; detailing trends and prospects for the future development of both sectors.
  • Market Vertical Analysis: Strategic evaluation of established and emerging market verticals in the blockchain space, and what this means for the future shape of the sector.
  • Juniper Leaderboard: Positioning and strategic evaluation of 15 key players in the blockchain market including:
    • Accenture
    • Applied Blockchain
    • Bitfury
    • ChromaWay
    • Deloitte
    • Digital Asset
    • Factom
    • Guardtime
    • IBM
    • Infosys Finacle
    • Microsoft
    • NEM
    • Oracle
    • R3
    • SAP
  • Juniper Innovation Index: Positioning & strategic evaluation of 17 key players in the blockchain market including:
    • Applied Blockchain
    • BitFury
    • BlockVerify
    • ChromaWay
    • Digital Asset
    • Gemalto
    • IBM
    • KPMG
    • NEM
    • Oracle
    • Propy
    • Provenance
    • Publica
    • PwC
    • R3
    • SAP
    • Ubitquity
  • Benchmark Industry Forecasts: Market segment forecasts for blockchain technology platform spend and cost savings, split by:
    • Land registry
    • Asset tracking

Key Questions

  1. What impact will blockchain have in the land registry and asset tracking sectors? 
  2. Who are the main blockchain players and how do they position themselves in the market?
  3. What revenues will blockchain technology vendors generate from asset tracking throughout the forecast period?
  4. How much are countries investing in blockchain for land registry throughout the forecast period?
  5. What savings will blockchain enable in the land registry and asset tracking sectors throughout the forecast period?

Companies Referenced

Case Studied: HM Land Registry, Lantmäteriet, Provenance
Included in Innovation Index: Applied Blockchain, BitFury, BlockVerify, ChromaWay, Digital Asset, Gemalto, IBM, KPMG, NEM, Oracle, Propy, Provenance, Publica, PwC, R3, SAP, Ubitquity.
Included in Juniper Leaderboard: Accenture, Applied Blockchain, Bitfury, ChromaWay, Deloitte, Digital Asset, Factom, Guardtime, IBM, Infosys Finacle, Microsoft, NEM, Oracle, R3, SAP.
Mentioned: 2 Sisters Food Group, Aion Networks, Aldi, Alibaba, Amazon, Ambrosus, Apis Capital Management, ASCAP (American Society for Composers, Authors and Publishers), Atlantis Group, Bank of Montreal, Barclays, Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center, Blockchain in Transport Alliance, Blockchain Learning Group, Blockscale Solutions, BMW, Bosch, BP, Broadridge, Bureau of Survey and Mapping, CaixaBank, Cambridge Innovation Center, Cargo Community Network, Carrefour, Cartório de Registro de Imóveis (Real Estate Registry Office), Central Reserve, Centre for Counter Fraud Studies, ColliderX, Comigel, Commerzbank, Commons Foundation, Consesys, Co-operative Group, Daimler, Department of Health and Human Services, Deutsche Bank, Dole, Driscoll’s, DTRules, EDF Luminus, EDRID (United Depository of Intellectual Property Products), Elevence, Emirates NBD, Enel SpA, Eni Trading & Shipping, Enterprise Ethereum Alliance, Erste Group, Everledger, Farmdrop, Findus, Food and Agriculture Organisation, Ford, Freepoint, FSA (Food Safety Authority), Gazprom Marketing & Trading, Gem, General Motors, Georgian National Agency of Public Registry, GIA (Gemological Institute of America), Golden State Foods, Green Assets Wallets, Hashed Health, HS Property Group, HSBC, Hyperledger, Iberdrola, ICAP, ICICI, III (Insurers’ Information Institute), Intel, Interbit,, JP Morgan, Kairos Future, Kaiser Permanente, KBC, Kellogg, Kimberly-Clark, KlickEx Group, KLM, Kroger, Landshypotek Bank, Law Commission for England and Wales, LO3 Energy, Maersk, MBA (Mortgage Brokers' Association), McCormick and Company, McLane Company, MDW (Medical Diagnostic Web), Mediaocean, Mercuria, Metaco, Methods, MIT Media Lab, MOBI (Mobility Open Blockchain Initiative), Modum, Morgan James Publishing, MUSO, Natais, National Council of Clerks and Commercial Courts, National Food Crime Unit, Natixis, Nestlé, NHS (National Health Service), NIAP (National Information Assurance Partnership), Nuggets, Oaken, Ordnance Survey, Overstock, Petroineos, Pfizer, PKF Littlejohn, PokitDok, Ponton, Porsche, Prebon Yamane, Primrose’s Kitchen, PRS for Music, Rabobank, Rakuten, Renault, Resonate, RWE AG, SACEM (Society of Authors, Composers and Publishers of Music), SBAB Bank, Shell, Siemens, SITA, Societe Generale, Soil Association, Starbucks, Stellar, STMS, Tata Consultancy Services, Telia, Tesco, Texas Bitcoin Conference, The Linux Foundation, The People’s Supermarket, Tideford Organic, Total, Toyota, Tsinghua University, Tyson Foods, UBS, UN, Unicredit, Unilever, Vattenfall, Vodii, Walmart, WHO (World Health Organisation), Wien Energy, World Bank, XAIN, Yamada Denki, ZF.

Data & Interactive Forecast

The Blockchain forecast suite includes:
  • Market data splits for 8 key regions and country level forecasts for:
    • Canada
    • China
    • Denmark
    • Germany
    • Japan
    • Norway
    • Portugal
    • Spain
    • Sweden
    • UK
    • US
  • Segment splits by:
    • Land registry (savings and platform revenues forecasts)
    • Asset tracking (documentary compliance forecast, fraud reduction forecast and country spending forecasts)
  • What-If Analysis tool allowing user the ability to manipulate Juniper’s data for 3 different metrics.
  • Access to the full set of forecast data of more than 32 tables and over 4,000 datapoints.
Juniper Research’s highly granular Interactive Excels (IFxls) enable clients to manipulate Juniper’s forecast data and charts to test their own assumptions using the Interactive Scenario Tool; and compare select markets side by side in customised charts and tables. IFxls greatly increase clients’ ability to both understand a particular market and to integrate their own views into the model.
8 Key Regions - includes North America, Latin America, West Europe, Central & East Europe, Far East & China, Indian Subcontinent, Rest of Asia Pacific and Africa & Middle East
Canada, China, Denmark, Germany, Japan, Norway, Portugal, Spain, Sweden, UK, USA



Table of Contents

Table of Contetns

1. Key Takeaways & Recommendations

1.1 Introduction . 5
1.2 Key Takeaways & Recommendations. 5

2. Land Registry

2.1 Introduction . 8
2.2 Key Benefits . 8
2.2.1 Reduced Dependence on Analog Systems . 8
2.2.2 Provision of an Inviolable Record & Reduced Fraud . 9
2.2.3 First Time Inclusion . 9
Case Study: Lantmateriat . 9
2.3 Blockchain in Land Registry. 11
2.3.1 VC Investment . 11
Figure 2.1: Top 50 VCs Total Blockchain Investments by Year, ($m), 2011-
2018 . 11
2.3.2 The Rise of The ICO . 12
Figure 2.2: Number of ICOs Launched, 2017-2018 . 12
Figure 2.3: Blockchain Company Cumulative Funding, ICO vs VC, ($ billion)
2017-2018 . 12
2.3.3 Global Testbeds & Vendors . 13
Figure 2.4: Countries Involved in Blockchain Land Registry Processes, 2019 . 13
Case Study: HM Land Registry & Digital Street . 15
2.4 Is Blockchain the Future of Land Registry? . 15
2.4.1 An Increased Interest in Blockchain . 15
Figure 2.5: Government Representatives’ Views on Blockchain, IBM Survey
Findings 2017 . 15
2.4.2 Slow Bureaucracy . 16
Figure 2.6: Current Project Status of Smart Contracts, UK Law Commission,
2018 . 16
2.4.3 Data Issues . 16
2.4.4 Digital Rather than Blockchain Technology . 17
2.4.5 Job Destruction . 17
2.4.6 High Price Tag . 17

3. Asset Tracking

3.1 Introduction . 19
Figure 3.1: Advantages of Blockchain for Asset Tracking . 19
3.2 Examples of Assets Tracked on Blockchain . 19
3.2.1 Diamonds . 19
Figure 3.2: Diamond Industry Snapshot . 19
3.2.2 Food Provenance . 20
Figure 3.3: Food Production: Ethics, Illness & Wastage . 21
Case Study: Provenance . 23
Figure 3.4: Provenance Ecosystem . 24
3.2.3 Automotive . 24
Figure 3.5: Timeline of Toyota’s Blockchain Involvement, 2016-2019 . 24
3.2.4 Content Management . 26
3.2.5 Utilities . 26
i. Microgrids . 27
ii. Energy Trading . 27
Figure 3.6: Timeline of Wien Energy’s blockchain involvement . 28
3.2.6 Healthcare. 28
3.2.7 Blockchain & IoT in Supply Chain Management. 30
Figure 3.7: Advantages of Using Blockchain in IoT Environments . 30
3.2.8 Asset Tracking Processes Impact Analysis . 31
Tables 3.8 & 3.9: Traditional & Blockchain-powered Asset Tracking Processes
Assessment Factors & Impact Analysis Heatmap . 32
3.3 The Future of Blockchain in Asset Tracking . 33
3.3.1 A Roadmap for the Future. 33
Figure 3.10: Juniper Roadmap for Blockchain Adoption in Asset Tracking
Processes . 33
3.3.2 Limitations & Challenges . 33
3.3.3 The Tokenisation of Assets . 34
Figure 3.11: Tokenisation of Assets Process, Simplified Version . 34

4. Competitive Landscape, Innovation Index & Leaderboard

4.1 Juniper Blockchain Innovation Index . 36
4.1.1 Criteria for Innovation Index & Limitations . 36
4.1.2 Conclusions . 39
4.2 Juniper Leaderboard . 40
4.2.1 Vendor Assessment Criteria & Limitations . 41
i. Vendor Assessment Criteria . 41
Table 4.4: Blockchain Vendor Capability Assessment Factors . 42
ii. Limitations & Interpretation. 43
iii. Findings . 44
Table 4.5: Juniper Blockchain Leaderboard Scoring Heatmap . 44
Figure 4.6: Juniper Blockchain Leaderboard 2019 . 45
4.2.2 Conclusions . 46
i. Established Leaders . 46
ii. Leading Challengers. 46
iii. Disruptors & Emulators . 47
4.3 Blockchain Industry Movers & Shakers 2019 . 48
4.4 Vendor Profiles . 50
4.4.1 Accenture . 50
4.4.2 Applied Blockchain . 50
4.4.3 Bitfury . 51
4.4.4 ChromaWay . 52
4.4.5 Deloitte . 52
4.4.6 Digital Asset . 53
4.4.7 Factom . 54
4.4.8 Guardtime . 54
4.4.9 IBM . 55
4.4.10 Infosys Finacle (EdgeVerve Systems) . 57
4.4.11 Microsoft . 59
4.4.12 NEM . 60
4.4.13 Oracle . 61
4.4.14 R3 . 61
4.4.15 SAP . 62

5. Blockchain Land Registry & Asset Tracking Market Forecasts

5.1 Land Registry Forecasts . 65
5.1.1 Introduction . 65
5.1.2 Savings Forecast: Reduction in Legal Fees & Registration Costs . 65
i. Methodology . 65
Figure 5.1: Percentage of Property Sale Price Accounted for by Registration &
Legal Fees (%), 2018, Split by 8 Key Regions . 65
Figure 5.2: Proportion of Property Transactions Recorded on Blockchain (%), 2021-2030 . 66
Figure 5.3: Average Savings Realised per Property Registered on Blockchain ($) 2026-2030 . 66
Figure 5.4: Methodology for Blockchain Consumer Land Registry Savings . 67
ii. Consumer Savings Forecast . 68
Figure & Table 5.5: Total Consumer Savings Realised per annum via Blockchain
Land Registry Deployments ($m), 2025-2030 . 68
iii. Smart Contracts: Additional Savings . 68
5.1.3 Blockchain Country Spending Forecast. 69
i. Methodology . 69
Figure 5.6: Methodology for Blockchain Country Spending . 70
ii. Blockchain Country Spending Forecast . 71
Figure & Table 5.7: Countries Spending per annum for Blockchain Land Registry
Deployments ($m), Split by 8 Key Regions, 2018-2023 . 71
5.2 Asset Tracking Forecasts . 73
5.2.1 Documentary Compliance Forecast . 73
i. Methodology: Introduction & Assumptions . 73
Figure 5.8: Leading Exporters of Food/Agricultural Products, ($bn) 2018 . 73
Figure 5.9: Documentary Compliance Cost per Container, Selected Markets, ($) 2018 . 73
Figure 5.10: Documentary Compliance Costs as Proportion of Food Export Value,
(%) By Region, 2018 . 74
ii. Savings Forecast: How Much Can Blockchain Reduce Compliance Costs? . 74
Figure 5.11: Proportion of Food Exports Tracked on Blockchain, (%) 2021-2030 74
Figure 5.12: Methodology for Blockchain Food Export Compliance & Fraud Savings . 75
iii. Value of Food Exports Tracked via Blockchain Forecast. 76
Figure & Table 5.13: Value of Food Exports Tracked via Blockchain ($m), Split by
8 Key Regions, 2021-2030 . 76
iv. Food Documentation Compliance Cost Savings Forecast . 77
Figure & Table 5.14: Reduction in Food Documentation Compliance Costs
Achievable via Blockchain Per Annum ($m), 2021-2030 . 77
5.2.2 Fraud Reduction Forecasts: Food Provenance . 78
i. Methodology: Savings from Fraud Reduction . 78
Figure 5.15: Global Food Export Fraud, Percentage by Region, 2018 ($51.5 billion) . 78
ii. Fraud Reduction Forecast . 79
Figure & Table 5.16: Food Exports, Annual Fraud Reduction via Blockchain ($m) 2021-2030 . 79
5.2.3 Wastage & Illness: Additional Savings . 80
5.2.4 Platform Revenues Forecasts . 80
i. Methodology . 80
Figure 5.17: Methodology for Blockchain Platform Revenues . 81
ii. Platform Revenues Forecasts . 82
Figure & Table 5.18: Total Platform Revenues per annum for Asset Tracking
Deployments ($m), Split by 8 Key Regions, 2018-2023. 82






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Juniper Research社はどのような調査会社ですか?

ジュニパーリサーチ社(Juniper Research)は2001年の創立以来、モバイルとデジタル技術を専門に調査・出版事... もっと見る


在庫のあるものは速納となりますが、平均的には 3-4日と見て下さい。


5) 調査会社からお客様へ納品されます。最近は、pdfにてのメール納品が大半です。










2025/02/21 10:27

150.86 円

158.69 円

193.74 円
